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Why EU does not like GM

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    Why EU does not like GM

    Here in UK gm crops where being trialled at the
    time that BSE was linked to humans after 10years
    of denial.
    Food safety took on a zero tolerance risk and GM
    branded Frankinstein food never stood a chance.

    That is still the case even though the BSE human
    link does not seem to be happening thank
    Perhaps it always was over hyped by scientists
    desperate for funding. A bit like climate change,
    big headlines possible disaster more research
    and funding required.
    If the research can find any answers it not news if
    its not sensational.
    Just had horse meat labelled as beef now. No real
    health risk but again public and media reaction is
    I do not see GM being accepted here in the near

    Hi ianben.

    By GMO crops, Europeans are referring to
    genetically engineered crops or crops
    that have had genetic material from
    another species/crop inserted in their
    dna. Other biotech breeding techniques
    are used in Europe.

    Spain and Portugal grow GE corn. Europe
    buys US and S. American soybeans and
    soybean meal. Recognizing you have an
    organic sector like here, conventional
    farmer use the full gamut of fertilizer,
    herbicides, fungicides and insecticides
    to meet crops agronomic needs. The main
    difference is the attitude toward one
    plant breeding technique.


      Plant breeding technique hey Charlie. Does the animal mount the plant in a sexual way to insert them thar DNA in this breeding process?


        No its rkaiser ****ing everyone up the ass and laughing his her face off. Not very funny.


          Wipe that smile off your face


            Kaiser, providing your mom didn't bend
            over for the first guy to peek up her
            skirt you're genetically modified. Using
            the above assumption she chose a mate
            with a desirable set phenotype
            expression (genes) in attempt to produce
            a more successful offspring. It's the
            foundation for evolution, unfortunately
            the nature of meiosis dealt you a
            terrible blow or your mother has
            atrocious judgment. You do believe in
            evolution right?


              jesus christ, get some class guys... its
              like watching a fight on the playground

              I think the OP is referring to GMO as
              opposed to selective plant breeding.


                I would argue that biotech plant are all about a variant of the traditional plant breeding techniques of selection. Genetic engineering as the example in this thread of plant breeding technique to emphasize a desired trait/introduce a new one. It is not the only tool in the tool. The number of tools available is growing.

                An interesting article in today's food navigator-USA that expresses another view from someone in the food industry.

                [URL="http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/People/Maple-Leaf-Foods-CEO-A-global-food-strategy-must-meet-the-needs-of-the-many-not-just-the-affluent-few/?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_medium=email&utm_ campaign=Newsletter%2BDaily&c=jYz%2BwZTNAeXBICwjpS QZbA%3D%3D"]Food Navigator-USA[/URL]


                  One thing that peaks my interest is how a company in Europe can develop a test that discovered the triffid gene in flax and yet not one has examined or found the RR gene in wheat after 10 plus years using similar. This technology is 20 plus years old. I suspect that GMO crops in general and genetically engineered crops in particular are among the most scientifically researched and tested crops in the world if nothing else to satisfy countries regulatory requirements. As an example, Europe may not allow GE crops to be grown but there are process to allow trace amounts in other crops at tolerance levels as adventicious presence.


                    Do you have special status to swear like that on this site hopper? Randy Kaiser is a "he" by the way and does not hide behind funny little site user names. Or bend over for Monsanto and hand them the Vaseline.

                    And yes I believe in evolution.

                    Question is, which other animal DNA was inserted into hopper and ado to create such amazing creatures?

                    My smiling and laughing at creatures like yourselves will not stop with comments about my mother. Pathetic but ineffective.

                    Genetic Engineering by inserting DNA into plants or animals from species other than the host is far from evolution or natural breeding process. However, the two of you goofs are so wound up in hating anyone who thinks outside the box, you cant even understand simple words.

                    Play on



                      So the EU bombards seeds and plants with radio active
                      material... finds 'so called "natural"' mutations... and
                      breeds them into a plant/etc... and somehow this is
                      safe plant/food breeding?

                      We humans have been modifying the genetic material
                      we use in our food system since the dawn of
                      civilization. Changing the gene pool and the altering
                      food products; is reality and a part of civilization as we
                      know it.

                      Eat a healthy balanced diet... and learn information the
                      same way. Balance is key... don't buy/spend your
                      money what isn't real... and is just a con job!



                        There is no logic or science related to the fear of
                        GM here, just got mixed up in the BSE fiasco.

                        Ten years of government assurance that there
                        was no risk of eating beef then the bombshell we
                        were infecting our children with a deadly brain
                        debilitating illness with know cure.

                        As you are all well aware the hysteria spread
                        around the world but only in Europe was the risk
                        of GM somehow seen as similar to BSE and no
                        trial or evidence could now be trusted regarding
                        food safety.

                        That is still pretty much what the consumers still

                        So there are as usual more politics involved than
                        real facts and the risks can be magnified or
                        ignored by the media.

                        Remember BSE helped change the government
                        here for 13years.


                          “Existence flows past us like a river. The “what” is in constant flux, the “why” has a thousand variations. Nothing is stable not even what is right here. So it would take an idiot to feel self-importance or distress, or indignation, as if the things that irritate us last.”

                          Thanks so much TOM. I guess you feel that my mind is in need of some philosophy. LOL

                          Natural mutation is not man made and it is mans choice to follow mutations, especially those caused by other man made causes.

                          Monsanto's GE game is a focused effort with nothing but profit as the root of the effort. All of your beliefs about saving mankind and feeding the world are BS and you all know it. The only reason you grow GE crops is for profit. Period.

                          My point on these threads is definitely causing the stir that I intended.

                          Guess what, I eat regular food a lot. And add a good natural supplement to my diet mind you.

                          And I understand that the world is not in a problem situation due to a conspiracy but rather the desire of humans and ultimately companies like Monsanto to own and control.

                          Do all of you Monsanto lovers like what Nestle is up to these days... Talking about control...

                          If no one points out the far side to those of you who are on the other far side, how will we progress as a race?

                          GE, in the Monsanto way, is extreme and as much research as you all believe is done, the jury is still out. Time is the only true measure of how these experiments will play out.

                          Still smiling Hopper........


                            Perhaps you are right. I note the conversation (not this thread) started with the discovery of wheat plants that couldn't be killed by glyphosate in a chem fallow field (80 acres) and it launched into the full tirade here. Glyphosate tolerant wheat was never approved for distribution so the an investigation is occurring. Perhaps the lesson is all genetic event should be registered early the development stage with some type of international agreement including Europe. There should be a system to test for these genetic events at the bulk handling system for information purposes to monitor for the presence of these events. Even if there is some presence of RR wheat in the system at trace levels, this is not a human health issue. Knowledge is never a bad thing. There are far bigger issues out there than this one starting with GE alfalfa.


                              Does rkraizer have a job? Does he not expect to profit from the time he invests in that job? How can rkaizer expect to personally profit from his investments, and yet think it is wrong for Monsanto to do so?

                              I smell hypocrisy.


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