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Whew - just flew back from Maine and boy are my arms tired.

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    Whew - just flew back from Maine and boy are my arms tired.

    The GMO labeling bill in Maine has passed the house almost unanimously at 141-4! Now it's on to the Senate!

    Between flying down there and back and then holding each voters arm up, I don't know how I am going to hold up my beer tonight...

    Maine? Yawn

    What did the voters say about this bogus
    distraction in the largest state of the
    US (California). They rejected it. And
    did it in a referendum, not the

    I wonder if put to the voters of Maine,
    instead of their cowardly legislators,
    what the result would have been? I
    suspect they too would see its folly.


      Why don't we just believe that all our foods have GMO in them, cut the charades, cut the waste of resources in testing, and labeling, and tell the truth that it is also in organics. Then go to dinner on the money we have all saved.


        It's still a plant, must be edible, all digestible, even if there are animal genes, we do eat animals. No proof of any ill effects but still the fear mongering. A lot of more important stuff to think about people.


          http://www.albertafarmexpress.ca/news/scientists-say-new-study-shows-pig-health-hurt-by-gm-feed/1002388950/u4s5427vW0vyM2vx/?link_source=aypr_ABEX&AF=&utm_source=ABEX&utm_med ium=email&utm_campaign=ABEX-EN06122013&link_targ=DailyNews

          Hopefully you can get to it.....


            One very burning question I have ... To all, why all Monsanto? I do not favor or ever will certain company policies, or monsanto - but where is Bayer in this shit show??? Completely - totaly under the radar. Or any other big Chem, Why not target them all ??? They all produce big bad GMO crops , but nah a word ??? WTF gives ?? Again one very big burning question that has never ever been answered - ever .............
            It's like Monsatan is the only producer of GMO crops on the planet !! Ya , maybe most visible but if you have any clue about life, there are dozens of companies world wide producing GMO crops, much of it has been vegetables for way longer that evil - terible corn, soy, canola that people eat every single day - for years ??? Bayer , has a list just as long but never ever heard of - even mentioned - ever??
            Not saying GMO foods good bad or other wise , but why just on player on a team???
            At the end of the days I truly belieave the tree huggers and big chem guys are all bonkers IMO


              Think Monsanto is an all-encompassing term .. like Ski-Doo.. taking them all in.


                Just curious if Maine is one of the states that will require labeling of transfats in food products? From a labeling standpoint, it would seem strange to label a product as having GMO canola oil (adding in the fact vegetable oil has all the proteins/solids removed and therefore minimal genetic material) and yet a healthy product because it has low transfats. Perhaps labels should stick to basics - fat content, protein, calories and fibre. I guess the question is what the politicians desired outcome is and from there, what the consumer needs to know.


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