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    Your lack of planning for a realistic
    inclusion of adventitious presence from
    a chaotic nature does not constitute an
    emergency on everyone else's part.

    Once that car, computer, whatever from
    'stand up corporations' is no longer
    functioning and thrown into the
    environment, is it that company's
    responsibility to clean up the toxic
    materials? Or does society suck it up?


      I can choose to not buy an offensive car that
      soley burns human blood. Ample dissapproving
      buyers send a message to the company, "We
      don't like your product and we refuse to
      buy it "

      Food containing GM products is prepared under
      a cloak of secrecy. Every company is reluctant to
      admit they use GM soybeans. Biotech companies
      fight rhe labeling of products suck as 'GM canola'
      by spending millions of $$. We watched what
      the reaction of seed farmers was when triffids
      flax escaped on the public; they hid under a new
      corporate name and went underground. And then
      stuck farmer Joe with the bill.

      That is the precedent for agribusiness and it will
      happen again and again., wont it.

      It's a trust factor, now, wd. Once you understand
      what lost trust does to a business, you'll have
      more respect for my being able to make a choice.

      In your world, I won't even know what kind of
      modified food I'm eating. #SecretFood I wont
      know and you won't tell me, and legally won't
      have to tell me.

      The he kicker is Mrs Jones doesn't have to buy a
      car. Or a cell phone. Or a TV. But She has to
      buy food.

      That's why consumers fight back. They have to
      buy food. And they want to know what they are
      eating and THEY want to make their choice.

      If you were wise, you would be advocating
      labeling while you watch the organic market
      continue to grow. It's the elite who buy organic
      food; the educated high income earners.

      Go pound them for awhile. Put an ad in the
      papers and explain the merits of manipulating
      their food., Tell them how trustworthy the funding
      governments will be if monumental food
      modification errors are made and class actions
      begin and the governments simultaneously act as
      funder and regulator.

      Tell the consumers the biotech companies are
      there for them and stand behind their modified

      And when you're at it, tell farmers that the
      million Canadian acres of glyphosphate-resistant
      weeds in the Stratus agri-Marketing survey
      research is a figment of their imagination, and
      that chem co's have it all under control.

      Trust. Say that word twice. Wd. Pars


        I am Parsely. Telling them of the
        bullshit and lies you profess in the name
        of marketing an over priced product with
        no benefit.


          Why should resistance be an issue to
          someone who doesn't use chemical? Its
          not a problem, its nature. Its called
          natural selection.

          RNAi (RNA interference) will solve that
          problem in the near future for the rest
          of us. The ability to turn off or down
          the expression of certain genes. Allergy
          free peanut butter and decaffinated
          coffee are fine examples of RNAi.


            I've read good and bad about RNAi and here
            again, hold reservation because it can have
            doubts about unintended consequences in the
            food we eat.

            technology is new and exciting, I understand
            that aspect, but food is life itself.

            I'm quite open to convincing, wd, I embrace
            some technology, but your 'we will because we
            can' argument does not convince me, nor the
            educated and wealthy, and not even so many
            your 'own people' who regularly but quietly buy

            It is important for you to understand that your
            market share dwindles, not because of me, or
            because of organics, but because you have not
            convinced smart people it is safe. They dont
            believe you. And they have every right to not
            believe you.

            Trust. You own that issue. I supply not only that
            trust void., but the allergy void, and the celiac
            void, and the protein intolerant void and immune
            system void, and the 'tomatoes that taste like
            tomatoes' void, and the exciting choice of
            varieties void.

            Take responsibility for planning your own
            marketing success by taking responsibility for
            your marketing shortcomings instead of
            downloading blame. Thats what grownups do


              Slow clap. Sheesh.


                "She sighed as she put the tantrummy kid to bed,
                kicking and whining, and shut the door, happy for
                a little peace and quiet."


                  man, wd9 is sure good with the google
                  machine... i could post about same amount
                  of links regarding tainted conventionally
                  grown food as well but why bother?


                    Will any of this discussion have any impact on canola and soybean production?


                      I'll help you out. Grow Polish canola for premium oil markets and better cold press it for the organic market.


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