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    its basically impossible to grow certified
    organic canola in western canada due to
    possible gm contamination. There was/is a
    guideline in place of no conventional
    canola fields within 10km of a certified
    organic canola field... good luck finding
    a field like that in western canada
    definitely not in my area anyway


      Perhaps to help me, does Polish canola (open pollinated) out cross with Argentine (close polintated)? At what level?


        I can not tell you for sure but i believe
        cross polination is possible to what level
        i dont know, however I am thinking the 10k
        separation is more in fear of gm seeds
        being transplanted via wind and wildlife


          If you put shit with E coli on your food
          to grow it you have a much higher chance
          of eating e coli then synthetic fert
          which has no contamination.

          But then common sense and organic rarely

          Please post those links pourfarmer of
          contamination on a conventional farm.
          Always interested in a good read.


            I agree with you on that, chances are
            definatly better getting e coli tainted
            food when producers are using raw
            sewage. A organic producer who uses raw
            sewage as a top dressing fertilizer
            deserves to be tar and feathered, these
            kinds of operations do not stay in
            business long i would imagine (or hope).
            Again, common sense.


            Take look at that list, out of 18 e coli
            contaminations resulting in product
            recalls I count only 1 organic
            product... hmm?


              Its really hard to determine the source
              as it is hit and miss whether they list
              the source - or even if found.

              Multistate infections not at all.

              Of the first five that list farms
              however, they come from poop fertilized
              farms and 3 being organic or gone broke
              so unable to determine. Ugly.

              Good link! Scary reading. Yikes.


                Just want to point out that only 1 is
                certified organic, however the others
                that were using manure based ferts may
                have been farming on organic practices
                but were not certified. I would like to
                believe that if those other 4 farms were
                certified organic it would have been
                caught prior to marketplace. The
                guidelines and regulations from my
                certifier are extremely strict when it
                comes to using manure based fertilizer
                on field crops I can only imagine what
                the process is like for vegetable crops.

                I am sure I do not need to show you a
                link to the xl foods (conventional) e
                coli outbreak, as well as the peanut
                butter (salmonella??) fiasco a couple
                years ago (conventional). My point is,
                there are just as many (if not more
                simply due to market share) e coli,
                salmonella, etc related recalls on
                conventional foods as there is organic.


                  I would agree. There are - lots. My only
                  real point is just because its organic
                  doesn't mean its automatically super safe
                  and healthy.


                    This post goes to show how dense you
                    organic folks really are. Cargill's
                    growth has been organic,not in organics.
                    Meaning it's growing it's return per
                    customer and/or productivity on existing
                    capital. Cargill has long been in the IP
                    game, starting with the IMC canola
                    program (now CSO) a GM line of canola
                    with a healthier oil profile, thus
                    segregation is important to maintain
                    purity of the oil profile. Their IP
                    programs have also included Snowbird
                    wheat and more recently Polarstar
                    malting barley. Cargill and their
                    customers want consistency in their
                    product so they can produce a consistent
                    product to the consumer. While we're on
                    the topic of traceability, McDonalds
                    fries sold in the USA can be traced back
                    to the field they were grown. Organics
                    don't have a monopoly on traceability.

                    Also the claim that organic foods don't
                    contains pesticides is patently absurd,
                    some of the harshest pesticides known
                    are certified organic because they are
                    biological derived. These products are
                    heavily used on fleshy and leafy
                    produce...the only foods where reduced
                    pesticide use makes any sense
                    whatsoever. More so most organic food
                    come from countries where regulations
                    are closer to a recommendations than a
                    hard and fast rule...trust me I've been
                    to many of them. These are places where
                    slipping someone a $100 US will get
                    almost anyone to look the other way.


                      ado, i did take a bit of offense to the comment about
                      'how dense organic people are' but then i remember I
                      was on a website where a guy can post whatever they
                      want anonymously and not claim any responsibility.
                      Since you are anonymous and I have no idea how old
                      you are, your comments (such as above) appear to be
                      the work of a 13-14 year old teenager, you know the
                      ones that THINK they know everything and will not
                      listen to anyone. So i will tell you, like I would
                      tell any other child, "ado, that wasnt very nice to
                      say. You should know better, now please apologize so
                      the grown ups can continue on with their discussion"

                      No one claimed organic has a patent on traceability,
                      however EVERY certified organic product can be traced
                      back to the farm it was grown. Whereas only a slight
                      portion of conventional food can be (mcdonalds
                      fries??? lol).... lets be realistic here you know how
                      much paper work you do when you sell a load of grain,
                      cause i sure do.

                      Using words like 'healthier oil profile' ahahahah you
                      are suggesting the oil profile of organic canola is
                      not as healthy??? You should be ashamed of yourself
                      using these scare tactics!!! Ruining peoples lives
                      and livelihood with your 'scare tactics'.

                      I've been in the organic industry only a few years,
                      but have never once seen a pesticide used in western
                      Canada. Dont know about vegetable or row crop
                      production but please provide some kind of
                      information to back your comment about the pesticides
                      being more dangerous then the ones used in
                      conventional ag. Please.

                      Also you should be aware that to be sold as certified
                      organic in Canada you have to meet OUR regulations
                      not the originating countries rules and
                      regulations... again trying to use your 'scare
                      tactics' on these poor uninformed consumers, shame on
                      you. Do you have any more assumptions I could clarify
                      for you?


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