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More fuel on the non-gm fire

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    FreeWheat, soil tests will tell you that
    my organic soils are not under fertilized.
    If you conventional guys could learn about
    crop rotations, green manure plow downs,
    humate based fertilizers you could save
    yourselves a significant fert bills. I
    work like a dog to ensure my soils are not
    depleted. I do not mean to sound like a
    prick with the following statement, but
    there is more to soil then NPK


      The "precisely fed" comment about nutrients is rather
      funny coming from guys that constantly p&m about
      rain being "soil poison" that washes all their nutrients
      away. Precisely fed one minute - hopelessly defeated
      by mother nature the next. Convenient.


        Because there is so little information available in
        N.America re the long term foreseeable health
        hazards associated with GMO and desiccation
        residue, it is impossible to quantify the amount of
        residue risk. Europeans are much further ahead
        of us on the issue.

        From my perspective, if I was given the choice, I
        would prefer neither GMO food nor that which
        has been sprayed with glhosate days prior to bin
        storage - the problem as many have stated, is
        that I have no way to know at this time.
        Governments should make chemical companies
        pay for testing to prove that it is safe within
        European specifications, othwise we will all pay.
        When they can unequivocably guarantee safety,
        than and only then should it be allowed.


          Pour farmer, I know about crop rotations.
          And yes there is more to nutrition than
          npk, which is PRECISELY my point.

          Grassfarmer, you obviously are in a dry
          area where rain is always welcome, where
          wet is a year with 20 inches, or maybe
          even ten. Must be nice.


            Sumdumguy, Europeans? Really? I farm by a
            German that sprays more and more carelessly
            than any of us Natives. He sleeps with a Bayer
            Bible under his pillow. Euro trash specs are just
            political bs.


              Do you think thats why he left Germany? Didnt fit


                Freewheat, average precipitation here is right around
                26 inches.
                My comment stands that you can't claim to have
                perfect, precise chemical fertilisation of your soils if
                they are apt to get flooded out as regularly as guys
                claim on here.


                  Grass farmer, I see your point now, and I agree. I would add
                  though these last several years have been very abnormal,
                  however... I hope!!!


                    GMOs haven't been tested? What about the over
                    3 Trillion meals eaten with GMO ingredients. Yes
                    that's trillion. Who would police the GMO labelling
                    and what would be the rules? How much
                    processing is allowed before you can say non
                    GMO. Most of the cooking oil used in all the
                    restaurants is GMO. Pretty much all sugar is
                    GMO. If you bake bread or drink wine it envolves
                    using GMOs. Even medicine we use includes
                    gmos Where would you start? On another note I
                    love how people in developed countries with their
                    big stomachs like to preach about GMOs what
                    wbout the billions who go to bed Hungary every
                    night and even die from starvation yet we would
                    deny them the only way to feed them because,just
                    maybe, they might get a cold in 50 yrs. TO top it
                    off there isnt even any evidence. Pour farmer I
                    would love for you to tell me how you would even
                    remotely feed the world with organic production
                    Even remotely


                      Somebody's gotta write a Broadway musical, "How I Feed the World". With dancing and lots of


                        Apple seeds are mildly poisonous,
                        containing a small amount of amygdalin, a
                        cyanogenic glycoside. It is possible to
                        ingest enough seeds to provide a fatal

                        If parsely 'made' an apple today, would
                        it pass Health Canada's definition of
                        food safe and be allowed to be sold for
                        human consumption?


                          So you understand that conventional
                          farmers run a business. Did you make a
                          recommendation in another thread that
                          consumers should choose olive oil over
                          canola oil?


                            Your hyperbole is an indication of desperation,
                            wd. Now stamp your feet.

                            Charliep, charliep, those aren't words.

                            This is what I said, "You see, charliep, the
                            educated elite read  articles like this, and decide
                            to buy olive oil instead. "

                            They decide.

                            Consumers shop for what they want to buy. I
                            don't tell instruct them on what to buy or what to
                            eat. Besides, I know the 4% think for themselves.
                            You can try it, though. How about robocalling?


                              sb my words

                              I try to be fairly careful with words, but even so,
                              slip up. I couched my "organic growth" words
                              carefully, on the 'Premium Markets' thread, and
                              actually took pains in the initial post to avoid
                              making premium markets apply exclusively to
                              organics, considering the natural beef markets in
                              the back of my mind. Pars.


                                You are right the consumer will have
                                their own information and make their own
                                decisions. I am concerned about how we
                                (which includes you) communicates this
                                information. There are minimal amounts
                                of protein in canola oil. Proteins are
                                what carry the genetic material. The
                                healthy aspects of canola oil should be
                                noted and promoted.


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