Yes sumdumguy I am sure. I will take canola oil
squeezed from a seed with a gene inserted to
make it resistant to Liberty before ecoli or
Part of the problem with debating GMOs is that it
is often not even about GM. The anti-corporate,
anti-globalization, Marxists, Anarchists et al, jump
into the discussion to further their cause.
My problem with GM is that we were promised all
manner of output triats once sales from input
traits recovered some research money. I hoped
for output traits that would improve human and
animal health, or new products fro industry.
Something that could move farmers into a new
value chain. But nothing. Just more RR
squeezed from a seed with a gene inserted to
make it resistant to Liberty before ecoli or
Part of the problem with debating GMOs is that it
is often not even about GM. The anti-corporate,
anti-globalization, Marxists, Anarchists et al, jump
into the discussion to further their cause.
My problem with GM is that we were promised all
manner of output triats once sales from input
traits recovered some research money. I hoped
for output traits that would improve human and
animal health, or new products fro industry.
Something that could move farmers into a new
value chain. But nothing. Just more RR