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Is Ben trying to turn the ship in midstream?

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    Is Ben trying to turn the ship in midstream?

    [URL="http://www.cnbc.com/id/100827876"]Ben Slowing the Printing[/URL]

    Absolute B.S-they are starting to act as desperate as
    the japs-there is no way out,cut social security,cut
    medicaid,cut military and you have my attention.

    A short term flight where they dont have to be
    worried about people showing up at auctions bidding
    them up because of japs,europes and

    Its over folks,the debt has to be restructured.


      cotton . . . who restructures the debt?

      Does Peter pay Paul or Paul pay Peter?

      Buckle-in . . . 2014 ain't going to be pretty for equities or commodities.


        I'm with cotton on this one. The time to
        do something meaningful was 2 years ago.
        Now they have traveled so far down this
        road there is no point in turning back.
        Might as well put the blinders on and
        print until the shit hits the fan.


          Errol,this has happened many,many times.

          Somebody owns the debt,in the form of a bond,those
          people or entities take a "haircut",even maybe your
          own pension fund or mutual fund,95% of people i
          question about their mutual funds-dont even know
          what their mutual fund is in or the simple fact it is in
          any asset classes at all,hey its a mutual fund.

          Mom told me,hey dont worry the sask teachears
          pensions fund is the greatest in the world,until i
          discovered it was underwater in the toon of billions
          representing 20k ish people.

          A soverign restructuring goes like this,if you hold
          paper instruments of said currency they are
          devalued-over night-typically ish?40% questimate.

          If the worlds credit market are annulizing at 11% per
          year and are now at 320% gdp,it is not sustainable.

          This is wartime footing.


            And if anyone from sask government is listening,buy
            50 million off cds on jgb's at a jump risk of a few


              Printing money until the shit hits the fan just means that the shit WILL hit the fan. This is a 'no win' situation the U.S. Fed has dug itself into.

              The only way out of the government-made mess is through a period of painful deflation and a changing of the guard in global wealth. There is no restructuring that will give us a magic pill for this ongoing irresponsiblilty.

              Peter is going to pay Paul, but Paul is pretty pissed and take his round of financial flesh as well.


                I agree,come down the rabbit hole a little further....


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