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What does this signify?

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    What does this signify?


    Don't be concerned...just your average American Conspiracy Network doing what they do best...telling lies and spreading fear and distrust. Its a cottage industry in the USA and is practiced from coast to coast and crosses into Canada and Mexico every once in a while to get out attention as well.


      If its true,worrisome.


        I apologize up front, but I couldn't help myself. What
        this signifies is that there are a rather large group of
        people out there who need professional help. Where
        are the Black Helicopters?
        On a different note, I spoke with a buddy of mine with
        the CFD who told me he's been on active duty for 30
        hrs now with "no end in sight". They are stretched to
        the max. Pictures - amazing, stories - unreal, total
        cost - priceless.


          Ya the sheer ignorance of some people.

          Nsa tells them they record everything and meh no


            That's nothing new. Only technology has changed.
            20 years ago CSIS would open a file on you just
            because you sent an angry letter to the Editor. Or if
            someone you knew was of interest to them. The
            problem is obvious - you have a paranoid
            population who demands protection from unknown
            threats so the authorities take it upon themselves to
            use the shotgun approach, and more often then
            not, be seen to be doing something no matter how
            ridiculous - like taking your shoes off at the airport,
            and those silly scanners that don't work half the


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