We pay a royalty on all seed more info here at
www.bspb.co.uk as yet no link to herbicides or
fungicides but it has been tried with hybrid
barley and we are about to get clearfield canola
this fall but do not know the deal.
We do make a margin above SFP which in
practice just go on higher rents or land prices, I
actually think your crop insurance is a better way
to manage risk.
Thalidomide was tragic for those affected but can
you imagine half your children dying before they
are 20 like my great grandfather.
The progress has been astounding and the
mistakes tiny by comparison.
www.bspb.co.uk as yet no link to herbicides or
fungicides but it has been tried with hybrid
barley and we are about to get clearfield canola
this fall but do not know the deal.
We do make a margin above SFP which in
practice just go on higher rents or land prices, I
actually think your crop insurance is a better way
to manage risk.
Thalidomide was tragic for those affected but can
you imagine half your children dying before they
are 20 like my great grandfather.
The progress has been astounding and the
mistakes tiny by comparison.