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New GM debate in UK

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    There are one issue people.

    There are fanatics who are one issue people.

    There are fanatics who are one issue people who have vested personal interests or skin in the game.

    And it becomes more and more diffiult to have a reasoned arguments with the facts as you move further down the scale of unreasonable people.


      Oneoff? rkaiser reminds me of a profesor with lots of theory and no practical. And don't really want to down play any poster as farmers should do as they see fit and lots of experts around. And that they do. Like cotton said show me the money, show me how to do it. This anti gmo debate is awash with expert 19 year old kids that know everything. So when the kids wake up and come up with a plan we will listen. My point of view.


        A theory is some idea that you put out for critical analysis and is open to challenge with all criticism and contrary data that refutes the theoretical proposal.

        A belief invites no such analysis. Any contrary opinion is seen as a challenge to the integrity of the beholder.

        Just try to debate witching with someone convinced of government conspiracy theories or someone who has no "faith" in science and research.

        No....they are not putting forth theories. They are selling propaganda, picked from misrepresentation of bits and pieces of inforation that is sold as proof of their one issue cause.

        To abruptly shut down modern food production would lead to immediate catastrophic consequences. And organic producction is not ready to fill the void that would result.
        Show me the theory behind the supply of food in North America when Monsanto, Syngenta Bayer etc are all driven into ruin.


          A professor and a 19 year old in the same post. LOL

          I gotta apologise for butting in on your little ego building blog over here boys.

          Go ahead and slap each other on the backs and pretend that you are the smartest farmers on earth. Take little bits out of the posts of non believers like old Kaiser and post "facts" about your view of reality.

          All the words you can muster about critical analysis, theory, and in my case, beliefs, all fit into the last one.

          One more for wd before I fade off into peter pan lullaland for the night.

          Thoughts become things WD. Choose the good ones. And yes, problems and solutions are manifested by the mind. Or do the Monsanto scientists get theirs from God?



            And anyone who can not stand the thought of listening to reasoned arguents is seen as being intelligent and reasonable??????

            I think not. They may well have beliefs and faith, but little else.


              Wouldn't anyone be pleased to be 19 years old or a professor.

              There would be no shame in being either one. But much better in the extremely rare case of being both at the same time.....


                rkaiser, I understand where you and all
                most organic marketers come from. You
                have to lie about conventional farming,
                make up scare stories and scare tactics
                to sell your product.

                Its marketing, and you'll say and do
                anything to get that sale, whether its
                true or not.

                The MAC is sooooo much better than the
                PC right? It crashes, hard to use,
                doesn't have a garbage can......

                Its marketing. Its manipulation to move
                product by telling people what they need
                and want and the organic crowd have
                become skilled at it.


                  Just not sure which one he was judging as worse - a professor or a 19 year old. I agree oneoff, and in fact see your point that being a professor at 19 could also be seen as a compliment. You see, I do read your posts and actually understand some of them as well.

                  As for professor WD and his following of athletes who do not pay attention to their diet...LMAO Keep hiding behind the "it's all about marketing" rock. Instead of hiding behind that rock WD, admit that you live in a glass house, protected by the marketing skills of your buddies at Monsanto and their peer reviewed studies --- or whatever company you think I am picking on today. It is far more about marketing than a cowboy ranting away on agriville asking farmers to wake up and smell the coffee (which will kill you by the way LMAO)

                  You love to lump and label anyone who opposes chem farming - which I know will never go away oneoff - as a marketer. I have said over and over that I am not a huge fan of organic farming as it is already proven that rules will always be broken when there is a buck to be made.

                  If nothing else comes from my visit here to your sire boys and girls -- and I use that term with ultimate respect as boys and girls live far more free and uninhibited lives than most of us --I simply hope that you listen and read more than the peer reviewed studies of Monsanto and remember that you are the front line when it comes to food production for millions of people. If you want to raise a garden and spray it with roundup like good old ado, go for it. I am glad that ado has figured out that thoughts become things and that his belief that he will live a long life in spite of his contempt for anything but his one-saint (Monsanto) lifestyle. And yes Ianben - this is true. We will die of other causes, however 60% of all death is caused from diet related dis ease. You are what you eat and so are the people that you feed.

                  And one last one to entertain wd this morning - "they say you are what you eat but I don't personally remember eating a legend".

                  Have a great days and think of the children when you spray your crop today. They are not starving and never will. Starvation is a money and greed problem and please quit using it as an excuse for your actions.


                    English as a second or third language
                    perhaps kaiser? No idea what you're
                    trying to say. Never have, and obviously
                    never will.


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