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New GM debate in UK

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    He thinks that since some of us have a
    garden so we can have FRESH produce and
    maybe because we are a bit frugal we
    don't trust our product. Well kaiser my
    garden gets sprayed with roundup, some
    of it gets others but in a confined area
    drift isn't worth it, I fry my potatoes
    in canola oil, eat garlic bread made
    from Canadian wheat beside a
    ractopomine fed chunk of steak. Food is
    the last thing in my life that will kill


      How do you figure that CharlieP? The fossil fuel
      model of seeding crops every year, the tillage, the
      seeding, the fertilizer, the agro chemicals, the
      swathing, harvesting, the trucking, the processing is
      more sustainable than my model of beef production
      We can run the cattle on permanent forage acres that
      can't be cropped with very minimal fossil fuel being
      needed to harvest and distribute some winter feed
      and for the ride to the butcher.

      True enough the slaughter process is not one most
      beef consumers want to see but do you think the
      image of a farmer in his bio-hazard suit adding
      product from containers with skull and crossbones on
      them to the sprayer before he sprays the grain and
      pulse crops they are expected to eat would encourage
      them to be vegetarians?


        Just making the point that all is not pretty in agriculture. I don't worry about the food I eat but I make choices including reducing my meat consumption.

        I found how interesting how you took ianben on when he commented that certain breeds and blood lines may be more suseptible to BSE - a sensitive issue you seem to want to manage. Perhaps my message to consumers is how food is prepared and what is added to it (sugar, salt, etc) is far more damaging to their health than anything that happens on the farm. To highlight what ianben said again, we are all living healthier and longer with the big bulge of us baby boomers impact on the medical system something that will be faced in the next 30 years.


          Another interesting tidbit, cancer
          incidence peaked in 1991 and have been
          trending down since, US numbers.
          Coincidently that correlates with the
          release of gm crops since we like
          drawing wild conclusions on here.


            For what it is worth, I have lots of conversations with urban consumers about agriculture practices and the impact on their food. Never argue with them - just listen and provide information when asked. I to the best of my ability highlight what the practices are, why they are done and the safety precautions that are taken. I also highlight they have choices and what the alternatives are to meet their individual concerns. Consumer trust in their food is something I never take for granted.


              Not a sensitive issue that I want to manage Charlie - I
              rather hoped if I encouraged ianben to do some
              research he would realise the most obvious of flaws
              behind his thinking on his AI/bloodlines/BSE theory.

              Anyone with the slightest knowledge of the dairy
              industry in the UK would know that the leading sires
              used through AI in the 1980s and 90s were American
              and Canadian Holsteins. So how does that fit with the
              genetic link theory?


                I did read somewhere that 7 of the 10 most used
                AI dairy bulls had the gene which, some sort Y
                chromosome if I remember correctly, which
                meant they were more susceptible to BSE.
                If I had more time I might take the trouble to
                google it and find the proof.
                It does not matter where the bull came from.
                It would not have been a problem if we not done
                all the things with meat and bone meal which
                exposed them to the prions and was only done in
                the UK.
                AI did not cause BSE and what I was trying to get
                across was that a small number of companies
                globally suppling seed, building tractors or
                suppling semen for our cattle does carry more


                  Found this at

                  To 31st December 2011, 176 cases of definite or
                  probable vCJD had been identified in the UK (122
                  definite and 54 probable who did not undergo
                  post mortem). All 176 cases have died. The
                  neuropathological and epidemiological features
                  of the cases of vCJD are remarkably uniform and
                  consistent with previous descriptions. Risk
                  factors for the development of vCJD include age,
                  residence in the UK and methionine
                  homozygosity at codon 129 of the prion protein
                  gene - all 159
                  clinically affected definite and probable cases of
                  vCJD with available genetic analysis have been
                  methionine homozygotes. Analysis of vCJD
                  diagnoses and deaths from January 1994 to
                  2011 indicates that a peak has passed. While this
                  is an encouraging finding, the incidence of vCJD
                  may increase again, particularly if different
                  genetic subgroups with longer incubation
                  periods exist.
                  The identification of an individual of the PRNP-
                  129 MV genotype as a possible case of vCJD and,
                  in a
                  separate case, disease-related prion protein in
                  the spleen of a clinically unaffected blood
                  (reported in 2004) is consistent with such a
                  hypothesis. These cases, along with the report of
                  prevalence of abnormal prion protein in the large
                  study of appendix and tonsil tissues (two of the
                  positive specimens from VV individuals) suggests
                  the possibility of a greater number of preclinical
                  subclinical cases in the population than might be
                  indicated by the present numbers of confirmed
                  clinical cases.

                  A bit complicated for me but think that says a
                  genetic link.


                    What has a study of vCJD cases in humans got to do
                    with certain AI bulls allegedly being genetically
                    responsible for BSE cases in dairy cows?


                      Like Charlie I am struggling to understand why
                      you see no genetic link.
                      How do you explain why some cows got BSE and
                      others did not on the same farm with the same
                      Angelina Jolie just had her breasts removed
                      cause she has susceptible genes to breast
                      I am not blaming an AI bull for that but showing
                      genetic links and the belief people must have in
                      What would your reaction be if she was your
                      wife(you should be so lucky) daughter?


                        Point is you have no proof, no science behind your
                        statements. First it was AI then it wasn't, then it was 7
                        out of the 10 most popular bulls which you
                        can't/won't name any of.
                        As long as you support Monsanto and the GMO cause
                        on this forum perceptions are real and the facts are
                        negotiable. Heaven forbid anyone posting opposing
                        views without having extensive peer reviewed science
                        to back their claims.


                          Thing is grassfarmer, then that's all it
                          makes it, an opposing view. An opinion.
                          An 'I think its this way' statement.

                          Not much value in those.


                            Grassfarmer, I think a distinction can be made between ianben proposing the hypothesis that there could be a genetic link to BSE susceptibility and the likes of Randy inventing a problem and then assigning blame for it. BSE was/is a real problem that dealt a heavy blow to beef industries in several countries, unfortunately not enough is known about it to come up with anything more than token best practice management.

                            The dribble that gets spouted surrounding the organic debate first of all isn't being presented as a hypothesis, despite there being no evidence or much more plausible causes such as in obesity, it's being presented as fact to the ignorant masses in order to market at product.

                            It's one thing to make an educated guess, it's a whole other to sell your opinion as fact so that you can advance your ambitions.


                              Now I am inventing a problem ado?

                              All problems are manifestations of the mind.

                              What did I manifest now?

                              We know what you and your pals at Monsanto are manifesting every day. Problems to some and money making glory to people like yourself. Facts and all.


                                problems are a manifestation of the mind?

                                This keeps getting better with every


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