I've seen 1 (or 2?) pass roundup and zero till canola
into old hay stand in our area and it amounted to
basically nothing... next year he was out there with a
wishek and finishing disk... twice the crop... again in
OUR area. To say zero till works everywhere is like
saying organic farming will work everywhere... different
areas call for different land management.
I've always wanted to try a flip over plow.. for now will
settle on a wishek: 240hp pulling 14ft wishek burns under
1.5gal more if soft ground where disk sinks but still
think under 2. How deep do those rollover plows cut?
into old hay stand in our area and it amounted to
basically nothing... next year he was out there with a
wishek and finishing disk... twice the crop... again in
OUR area. To say zero till works everywhere is like
saying organic farming will work everywhere... different
areas call for different land management.
I've always wanted to try a flip over plow.. for now will
settle on a wishek: 240hp pulling 14ft wishek burns under
1.5gal more if soft ground where disk sinks but still
think under 2. How deep do those rollover plows cut?