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End of CWB

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    End of CWB

    Should we celebrate the anniversary of the
    monopoly end or just try to forget about the whole
    The Regina Farm Progress Show CWB breakfast
    had a good farmer turnout but not much optimism
    about the future.
    There is still a defensive and supportive attitude
    from some but the question now is more one of
    whether it will be sold off or just ended.
    Management says that planning is going on but
    declined giving details.
    The impression is one of a team running out the
    clock on the $349 million federal guarantee
    The anniversary may prompt more of us to speak
    up on whether we will support the board
    financially or whether we just want it ended.

    I presume all the single desk adherents are still
    supportingand selling their grain to the CWB?
    They should be a large base from which to


      Is the only significant difference in the last year; just that those who choose not to deal with he CWB; are not now compelled to do so.

      If this organization can't stand on its own merits; then maybe it should be acknowledged that those who were treated with disdain; were the ones who were providing the various entitlements of hard core CWB recepients.


        The Harper Governments's CWB will be scrapped by Herr Ritz as soon as it is practical to do so. It doesn't matter how much support the farmers give it as it is not performing the same functions as before...it is inconsequential now that it has been forever de-fanged and tossed on the scrap heap. Once any semblance of farmer control was eliminated then that was the moment it ceased to exist for many producers.


          The CWB is no longer a monopoly, which is gov't
          control through legislated force. So it's up to
          farmers. The CWB will have as much farmer
          control and benefits and opportunities as farmers
          put into it. Pars


            I will celebrate every year as long as I live.


              The Board has slowly been committing suicide for decades.

              Every time they charged a farmer for trying to sell his own grain it died a little. Every time someone did a price comparison it died a little. Every time they moved money from one pool account to another it died a little. Every time it skimmed money from its own cash contracts to pad the pools it died a little. Every time they gave customers a higher grade or protein value at farmers expense it died a little. Every time it ignored its own farmer surveys it died a little Etc, etc.

              The ideologically driven, uncompetitive rot has been piling up for generations. They squandered a lot of good will with farmers over the years, particularly in the last five.

              If it goes the way of the dinosaurs' there is no one to blame but itself.


                Fransisco, X2 what you said. Couldn't
                have said it better myself.


                  The end of the wheat board has completely
                  changed the dinamics of the grain industry on the
                  praries. It goes far beyond getting better prices for
                  our former board grain crops. Saddest part of it is
                  how long we all had to put up with it.


                    I almost forgot about the cwb already. Anyone here using any of their services?


                      Not me, sold my spring wheat and durum on the open market..


                        I agree with Happyfarmer. When I think of the
                        decades, generations of lost value and the wealth
                        that was expropriated from all the families growing
                        wheat and barley in the designated area, well, I
                        do feel a sadness.
                        Thankfully that is history and I am growing wheat
                        now, knowing I can sell to whomever I choose.
                        There might even be profit in this little venture!


                          I do kind of miss the surprise checks in the mail months after I sold the grain.


                            I miss nothing about the CWB.......nothing.


                              Parsley go and have your bull castrated and turn him out with the cows.
                              He will still walk like a bull and look like a bull but don't expect any calves next spring.

                              I was a CWB supporter but this abortion from the ritz cracker IS Not the wheat board. The Same name should not have been allowed


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