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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    WTF is the only way to describe the events up to last night.
    Rain Rain Rain. Week total is 2.2 inches and yesterday we had weather warnings in afternoon that thank god missed us.
    Most are in the final days of spraying. Spot spraying and final Round up on Canola and Beans.
    Disease control at flag is happening on only a few farms. Custom guys still spraying in the wind but their answer is we have to go. Lawsuit would stop this BS.
    Hrs still all is looking awesome. We wont have the cleanest fields like other years as flush after flush of weeds keep coming. Hopefully the thick crop will choke most out. Its a 9.
    Soy Rows are seen and Germ was excellent two inches tall and Growing. Spray last application of RR at 1 liter today. 9
    Canola the Retarted sister is struggling this year. Even the Experts in the district don't have Awsome fields. Yes they have picked up on some this week as finally the temp has improved. Still others fields have dropped do to flooding and yellowing. Most are at Cabbage or Bolting. 7. would be a 8 or nine without the patchy fields or yellow flooded out areas.
    Barley is a 9 every one who did grow barley is really happy happy happy. Leaf disease has been just applied.
    Peas don't like to get their feet wet and well lets just say they had a rough week. Yellow areas where we were flooded last year. To much ground water. Might make it through if it turns hot and dry. Forecast is looking better for the next 7 days lets see. 7 Drop due to wet water damage.
    oats is looking good but very few fields. No one really changed their seeding plans. its a 8.
    Flax our area I think has more flax than Canola some days. Flax all over the place. It is looking good but has some yellow areas due to water. Canola canola canola guy has hardly any canola this year.
    So to sum up the week water water water. Rain events since last Thursday have hit the area hard. Water was running down the highway at e
    Edgeley yesterday night. Most crops disease pressure is low as of last night checking but it could turn high with all the moisture if it continues. Warm dry forecast could help in that department.
    Have a safe holiday weekend. Good farming.

    We've caught every cloud that has gone through this past month. Water lying everywhere, probably have 15% of our seeded acres in serious moisture stress. Heat can't come soon enough. Violent thunderstorm last night, afraid to check the gauge this morning. Talked to some neighbours though and most of their crops are excellent. Weeds have been sprayed, fungicide start next week, if I can get on the land.


      Yea one guy said to me his best ever so I went for a drive. If that's his best wow. He needs to get some help.


        Most of our crops look awesome other
        than 1 quarter of wheat that has gotten
        5 inches of rain since Saturday. It
        looks really stressed but everything
        else i would say 9.5 to 10. Ready to get
        at fungicides in a couple of weeks. Get
        yours if you haven't yet cause it's
        tight by the sounds of things. Lateness
        is certainly worrisome but i guess
        nothing is ever perfect. Really couldn't
        be happier.


          5" in 8 days. Canola is 9/10, Durum 6/10 where oddysey residue showing, rest a 8.5/10. Peas 8.5/10, lentils 9.5/10. Excellent moisture but eagerly waiting the warm temps. Canola bolting and seeing quite a few cabbage seed pod weevil. Guess will throw the decis in with the proline in 7-10 days (comments??). Sick of the wind this year.


            All in my area are glad we missed the 1 inch forcasted for yesterday as some ditches are still running from before. I think I cleaned a thousand pounds of mud off my sprayer this afternoon waiting for wind to go down. Going to do a second application on my peas as I missed the post seed burn off and lots of little weeds growing again and a few big ones. Not proud of that one. Wheat done now hoping the wild oats will die where we worked the shit out of the land to level the ditching from last fall. The wild oats came up just after the pre seed burn off amazing how many seeds can in the ground. Its only patches. My canola ground now is about to get its second app of round up. Lots of weed growth just starting from all this moisture. Hopefully hit it at the right time. My wheat is thin in places partly I figure from low planting rate and partly poor seed not sure on the latter yet. Strange on how patchy it is. Why is there ravens in my wheat fields. Wondering when JDGreen has time for fishing in Lake Lenore.


              What hopperbin said...

              Except we're doing the last of the wheat tomorrow morning.

              Brought new combine home today... did work around yard, finished top dressing...

              Peas a bit yellow from all the water, but they are turning dark fast. I.E. within a day they went a couple shades darker.

              Wheat is good... but wheel tracks are way behind (seeded into dust didn't germinate till later). Barley coming up nice. Canola looking way better thnan 10 days ago... if stubble wasn't a foot tall you'd see it. LOL.

              Oats is fantastic... showing water stress in low spots though.


                I am not that bad to go fishing with. The lady I fished with the last week end brought her dad and daughter. I was unsure about why we did not snag one right away but later her daughter and dad we catching all the fish and I joked that the fishing tallent missed her generation. We had lots of fun. Good to have humour.


                  Everything is shitty but I won't be disappointed at harvest this way.


                    Don't be fooled by a ripe kernel in a
                    green crop. The straw is a week or so


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