Grassfarmer, I acknowledge what you are
saying. However I think the further the
hypothesis strays from the generally
accepted normal, the higher the burden
of proof is to support the statement.
Hypocritical? Somewhat but its necessary
to ensure integrity of the scientific
Questioning the world around us and
challenging the normal is how we move,
forward, both social and scientifically.
Discussions like these are highly
constructive when it leads to people of
different views researching the other
perspective. I for example got deeper
into allan savory and Gabe browns work
then I ever have before. As a result
they've helped me consolidate some ideas
I've been noodling on for quite some
time. Hopefully I can implement some of
them next spring. Wild conspiracy
theories on Monsanto and them Chem boys
hasn't enriched my life whatsoever
Thanks for reminding me of the early
infancy colostrum absorption, that
totally slipped my mind. However it
still doesn't explain how it transfers
from beast to man.
saying. However I think the further the
hypothesis strays from the generally
accepted normal, the higher the burden
of proof is to support the statement.
Hypocritical? Somewhat but its necessary
to ensure integrity of the scientific
Questioning the world around us and
challenging the normal is how we move,
forward, both social and scientifically.
Discussions like these are highly
constructive when it leads to people of
different views researching the other
perspective. I for example got deeper
into allan savory and Gabe browns work
then I ever have before. As a result
they've helped me consolidate some ideas
I've been noodling on for quite some
time. Hopefully I can implement some of
them next spring. Wild conspiracy
theories on Monsanto and them Chem boys
hasn't enriched my life whatsoever
Thanks for reminding me of the early
infancy colostrum absorption, that
totally slipped my mind. However it
still doesn't explain how it transfers
from beast to man.