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Found it grassfarmer

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    Found it grassfarmer

    Again not exactly sure what this says but must
    be the source of the article I read.

    A genetic study of 75 cases of bovine spongiform
    encephalopathy (BSE) of which 51 were confirmed
    by histopathology in 29 pedigree and seven non-
    pedigree herds of Holstein Friesian cattle
    revealed that 73 per cent of 60 BSE cases had
    first or second degree relatives also affected. All
    the 44 cases assigned to families could be traced
    back in the previous three generations to one
    cow and 11 bulls, which were of Canadian
    Holstein or Dutch Friesian heredity. No single
    common ancestor could be identified in the
    parentage of BSE-affected animals in pedigree
    studies up to six or more generations. The
    number of common ancestors and the degree of
    relatedness of the affected animals in a multiple-
    case herd was no more than would be expected
    from the breeding structure of the herd. The
    segregation ratio of affected cows in the proband
    generation within sire and maternal grandsire
    sibships in 12 pedigree herds was not
    inconsistent with Mendelian expectation for
    autosomal recessive inheritance with complete
    penetrance. The data analysed shows that the
    disease itself is not simply inherited. However,
    there remains a real possibility that the
    susceptibility of individual animals to BSE is
    inherited. This should be taken into account in
    current and future research on the aetiology and
    control of the disease.

    There is a remarkable amount of research still
    being done on this and money spent.
    Even questioning if there is a link between BSE
    and humans, not really enough human cases
    given the exposure apparently.
    Questioning the existence of prions too as the
    were thought to work.
    More research and more funding needed will a
    scientist ever reach a conclusion.

    So thanks grassfarmer I found my search very

    Interesting study. I like it because my cattle have no dairy genetics and thus, according to the study, a smaller chance of getting BSE. Thanks ianben.


      C'mon HT you gotta be kidding - where does it say in
      the study that your cows won't get it because they
      don't have dairy genetics? In the UK it was spread
      through the milk replacer powder - how many beef
      calves get milk replacer from day 1?

      So ianben it shows that 44 of the cases were sired by
      11 bulls. Doesn't say that the majority of BSE cases
      were sired by 7 of the 10 most used AI bulls.
      Besides this was a 1990 report so I guess they never
      did prove their hypothesis by further research?


        An "Abstract" such as published above; is a condensed summary of research data found in the accompanying paper.

        This reasearch paper apparently proposes the hypothesis (whch is maybe a theory in its initial stages) that there might be a correlation between the susceptability to certain bulls (apparently used widely in AI breeding in the UK) and BSE suseptability to infection by prions???.
        If I understand the abstract correctly; it is suggested that recessive genes might explain how family lines arising from those BSE cases produced offspring that were also affected by BSE incidence.

        Now I have not had the time to read either this supposed research paper; nor any additional follow up studies. That takes considerable time and effort for those interested in better understanding a very serious disease outbreak that has affected grassfarmer and kaiser along with every other beef producer in Canada and around the world. Some benefited....most certainly didn't.
        Of the posters, Iaben put the most thought and effort into digging deepest. I'm not sure the believers did anything beyond being lucky that bags of milk replacer and various feeds and supplements and their animal genetics didn't produce the combination that created outbreaks round the world.

        Tmme to quote the saying "There but for the grace of god go I"

        The Hypothesis (theory??) in the "paper" above only reports what the researchers thought plausable from the liited data they analysed.

        Both believers and those who question the conclusions (and its caveats) are encouraged to contribute further. And in the absence of further information based on a "scientific method" it is hoped that the weight of the evidence will lean to either the hypothesis being outright rejeted or studied further.


          This is the link to the piece questioning the cow
          human transmission in 2003
          Is it just a scientist looking for funding or can
          you oneoff find out if any research was done.

          A new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was
          described in the United Kingdom. It is often
          claimed that it is caused by consumption of food
          infected with the agent of bovine spongiform
          encephalopathy. However, this remains open to
          question because the number of cases of the
          variant is, at the present time, less than would be
          expected from a major food-borne source.
          The EUROCJD cooperative study presents
          currently available epidemiological data of
          Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and its new variant, for
          nine European countries plus Australia and
          Canada. Unexpectedly, for the United Kingdom
          where all but a few cases of the new variant have
          been reported, these cases have to be included in
          the incidence curve of the sporadic forms of the
          disease in order to obtain the best fit with the
          median curve from all the countries. This variant
          could be merely a rare clinical phenotype within
          the sporadic disease. The published clinical and
          experimental data which suggest that it is linked
          with bovine spongiform encephalopathy, lead us
          to propose that this link could be a common
          etiological origin other than consumption of
          bovine infected food. In any case, public health
          recommendations hold and further investigation
          is required.
          The lack of a relative increase of the Creutzfeldt-
          Jakob-disease mortality rate in the United
          Kingdom, does not fit well with the new variant
          being the consequence of consumption of food
          infected with the agent of bovine spongiform


            Thank you professor oneoff. In your technical analysis
            of the report you indicated that the bulls suspected
            were "apparently used widely in AI breeding in the
            UK" maybe you could highlight the words that back
            your statement?

            You go on to say "Of the posters, Iaben put the most
            thought and effort into digging deepest. I'm not sure
            the believers did anything beyond being lucky...."
            Lets get real here for a moment obviously neither you
            nor ianben know anything about BSE. Ianbens intense
            thought and effort consisted of Googling a research
            abstract that he doesn't understand to prove a point
            on an internet discussion forum.
            I've been intensely aware of the BSE issue since the
            initial cases in the UK in the mid 80s and it has been
            a major issue affecting my business in the beef sector
            for most of the last 24 years. I also happen to be a
            good friend of the only Canadian that was invited
            onto the small international panel of experts that was
            convened to give advice and create a course of action
            when the first cases of BSE occurred in the 80s.
            So you guys go play on Google for a couple more
            years and then maybe come back and we'll have a
            discussion about BSE.


              Like you grassfarmer I too was seriously affected
              by BSE so before google and the internet I did
              read that report.
              It may have been a jornalists view based on that
              or some other theory but my google trawl still
              sees more questions than answers.
              I always thought the(note me thinking no proof)
              the link to humans questionable given we had
              been eating scrapie infected sheep for hundreds
              of years.
              I find the way research is funded does not always
              get us the best results. They always find the need
              for more research.
              The BSE/vCJD link has been a gravy train for
              researchers and a disaster for you and me
              because someone forced a mouse to be infected
              with BSE.


                I'm in over my head on this topic but
                why the unwavering get denial of a
                genetic link grassfarmer? I had
                "roughest proteins" thrown at me in
                another post, those do happen in nature

                I've always struggled to draw the link
                between a feed source and contraction of
                the disease. Mamals can't absorb complex
                proteins, so they are broke down by
                digestive juices into simple proteins.
                This is well known. So how do you get a
                prion, a supper, dupper complex protein,
                absorbed by the body from food and
                deposited in the brain? Come on there is
                more to this story then contaminated


                  Ado this discussion and its predecessor on ianben's
                  other post were never about BSE or a genetic link. It is
                  highlighting that the posters claiming to be interested
                  only in peer reviewed, proven scientific research are
                  full of crap. Time and again they have proven it by
                  making up facts, making assumptions with no
                  scientific backing and claiming facts are present in
                  written materiel when they clearly aren't.

                  If anyone has been paying attention the'd notice that I
                  have never denied a "genetic link" to susceptibility
                  because there probably is one.
                  What I've been denying is the central claims of these
                  threads that use of AI or high production genetics
                  helped spread BSE. Also denying the claim that 7 out
                  of the top 10 AI bulls in the UK "had the gene" for BSE
                  genetic susceptibility. There simply is no scientific
                  proof behind these things so you can't claim there is.

                  As for BSE "contaminated feed" clearly does not
                  explain the whole deal because there had to an
                  original cause of the first case and that is most likely
                  tied up in complex environmental factors as
                  hypothesized by the late Mark Purdey. That said the
                  majority of the cases in the UK were undoubtedly
                  spread through the "contaminated feed" sources of
                  milk replacer and calf starter pellets. The crucial point
                  here is that it is only in the first few days of a calves
                  life that this is possible before the blood to brain
                  barrier is closed. The stomach wall is porous to large
                  molecule size initially to allow the absorbtion of
                  colostrum which also has a large molecule size.
                  Besides these "contaminated feed" caused cases there
                  are also atypical BSE cases of which the origin is less
                  certain. Some of these atypical cases manifest
                  themselves with different symptoms and some
                  manifest at younger ages than conventional BSE
                  cases. There are also incidences of BSE that are
                  apparently of sporadic origin.


                    Why didn't you say that in the first place? You are not that far apart except for nuances.


                      Grassfarmer, I acknowledge what you are
                      saying. However I think the further the
                      hypothesis strays from the generally
                      accepted normal, the higher the burden
                      of proof is to support the statement.
                      Hypocritical? Somewhat but its necessary
                      to ensure integrity of the scientific

                      Questioning the world around us and
                      challenging the normal is how we move,
                      forward, both social and scientifically.
                      Discussions like these are highly
                      constructive when it leads to people of
                      different views researching the other
                      perspective. I for example got deeper
                      into allan savory and Gabe browns work
                      then I ever have before. As a result
                      they've helped me consolidate some ideas
                      I've been noodling on for quite some
                      time. Hopefully I can implement some of
                      them next spring. Wild conspiracy
                      theories on Monsanto and them Chem boys
                      hasn't enriched my life whatsoever

                      Thanks for reminding me of the early
                      infancy colostrum absorption, that
                      totally slipped my mind. However it
                      still doesn't explain how it transfers
                      from beast to man.


                        BSE while it remained in cattle was just another
                        disease. It was the mouse and link to humans
                        which caused most of the hysteria and actually
                        ruined farmers businesses and lives.

                        How good was the evidence back then if it turns
                        out that there is no human link.

                        Will anyone ever admit they got it wrong?


                          Would anyone deny that some members of any population appear more susceptable than others to an exposure that can cause disease or illness.

                          That difference is not caused by the substance that triggers the illness (eg. contaminated milk replacer or asbestos fibres etc.)

                          Anyone who doesn't appreciate a "scientific approach" probably never has been exposed to the ideas of debate; bouncing all ideas around, statistical analysis, research and digging for all the ideas,hypotheses and explanations that one can get their hands on.

                          And beliefs just aren't liable to produce anything more than dogma and propaganda that gets swallowed instantly by hasty people looking to "confirm what they already think they know".....or an explanation to ease their worries about their present illnesses.

                          Beliefs produce next to nothing; except soothing troubled minds. Give e an example to the contray.


                            Columbus believed the earth was round and
                            sailed west over the edge. America
                            Watt believed he could build a boiler that would
                            not explode.Steam engine
                            Brunell believed he could build iron ship that
                            would float on the ocean. Modern ships
                            The Wright brothers believed they could

                            None of them had the proof that is apparently
                            necessary today.

                            I find the idea that we should be able to know
                            everything about something and predict the
                            future from the past unrealistic and depressing.

                            Just live for today and be thankful if tomorrow


                              Who says everyone or anyone is driven by beliefs. Perhaps dreams and wildest wishes are even more responsible in driving ideas into practical applications. And since when does all time and effort get devoted to into practial applications?

                              I think it is a matter of observing various phenomena, thinking about ways and tricks that might make the goal come closer; scratching your brain really hard and perservering though many setbacks and failures. And once in a hundred ties someone might come a little closer to the elusive dream that was probably envisioned by many others a thousand years ago. All they lacked was the scientific knowledge, resoures and equipent and support services that was not yet available.

                              There is also lots of effort devoted to art, music, creating worthless knick nacks, recording history and even posting on Agriville.


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