The army took over in Egypt. A coup. Some won't
call it a coup because it is not in their interest to
call it what it is
But might rules. And guns are the mighty. And
too many Governments want to become the
mighty instead of having gun toting peasants
impeding their central planning.
Redford is an Agenda #21 adherent with a UN
agenda. The first is to disarm peasants. Read
about Agenda #21 for yourselves. Your property
will become common property. You will be
disarmed. Socialism on a grand scale.
There are some RCMP like Sgt. Topham in High
River who, I will guess, will embrace Agenda #21
because he has spoken to the medai several
times about not wanting guns in the hands of
citizens, is what I understand. He was in charge
of the search. and I will guess will be removed
from his post by tomorrow. And should be.
BUT, he got his orders from someone. And that
will be the interesting relation.
BTW, there was no emergency measures
legislation passed.
So you pound your position-post in your field,
charliep, because I have mine firmly pounded in.
We will disagree until I serve you crow. Pars
call it a coup because it is not in their interest to
call it what it is
But might rules. And guns are the mighty. And
too many Governments want to become the
mighty instead of having gun toting peasants
impeding their central planning.
Redford is an Agenda #21 adherent with a UN
agenda. The first is to disarm peasants. Read
about Agenda #21 for yourselves. Your property
will become common property. You will be
disarmed. Socialism on a grand scale.
There are some RCMP like Sgt. Topham in High
River who, I will guess, will embrace Agenda #21
because he has spoken to the medai several
times about not wanting guns in the hands of
citizens, is what I understand. He was in charge
of the search. and I will guess will be removed
from his post by tomorrow. And should be.
BUT, he got his orders from someone. And that
will be the interesting relation.
BTW, there was no emergency measures
legislation passed.
So you pound your position-post in your field,
charliep, because I have mine firmly pounded in.
We will disagree until I serve you crow. Pars