Parsley, you better open the windows and get some
fresh air - the paint fumes are getting to you. Let's
try something different and throw some facts on
the table. Yes, High River had a disaster plan like
every other community in Alberta. But it wasn't long
into the event that the Mayor asked the Province to
assume responsibility for the situation because they
were overwhelmed. All other communities affected
were 'Local States of Emergency'. High River became
a 'Provincial State of Emergency'.
Now for the rumours. The Emergency Measures Act
is an Act of Govt - like the Highway Traffic Act. You
don't need a judge to sign anything - it's an Act of
the Legislature administered by the Dept of
Municipal Affairs. And it is broad and
comprehensive. At the top of the heap is the
Alberta Emergency Management Agency. They
administer 9 specific response plans each designed
to respond to different risks or situations. The top
dog is the AEMA Director. When the Province
accepted responsibility for High River, it was the
Director who immediately invoked the 'Emergency
Assistance Plan - level 4' (highest level) which
allows for the Director, Cabinet, Premier to call on
all assistance and resources available. That's when
the army came. This is the Reader's Digest version.
Finally, this whole gun stuff is a big yawn among
the locals who are far more interested in just having
a normal life again.
fresh air - the paint fumes are getting to you. Let's
try something different and throw some facts on
the table. Yes, High River had a disaster plan like
every other community in Alberta. But it wasn't long
into the event that the Mayor asked the Province to
assume responsibility for the situation because they
were overwhelmed. All other communities affected
were 'Local States of Emergency'. High River became
a 'Provincial State of Emergency'.
Now for the rumours. The Emergency Measures Act
is an Act of Govt - like the Highway Traffic Act. You
don't need a judge to sign anything - it's an Act of
the Legislature administered by the Dept of
Municipal Affairs. And it is broad and
comprehensive. At the top of the heap is the
Alberta Emergency Management Agency. They
administer 9 specific response plans each designed
to respond to different risks or situations. The top
dog is the AEMA Director. When the Province
accepted responsibility for High River, it was the
Director who immediately invoked the 'Emergency
Assistance Plan - level 4' (highest level) which
allows for the Director, Cabinet, Premier to call on
all assistance and resources available. That's when
the army came. This is the Reader's Digest version.
Finally, this whole gun stuff is a big yawn among
the locals who are far more interested in just having
a normal life again.