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sun news

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    Grower99 I'm sure a lot of your sentiments have
    to do with the fact that CBC happens to fit closer
    to your world view. Imagine how you would feel if
    the biased and tilted news coming from Sun was
    subsidized by taxpayers. You would probably feel
    like a lot Canadians do now about CBC.


      Yup, what we need is the CBC to blow more money on "Mulroney operas" that are so bad that even they don't want to show


        Which networks have brought serious
        issues such as sponsorship scandal,the
        fraudulent inout issue, robocalls,the
        senate fiasco,the Afghanistan treatment
        of prisoners,the F35s....I support any
        network that is willing to bring
        important issues to the public attention
        no matter which political party is in
        the wrong as long as the reporting is
        well researched and documented. A
        network that does not have to answer to
        a particular vested interest may be able
        to report on an issue more objectively
        without fear of retribution.Just a


          grower99 if you don't like Sun news guess what you don't have to watch it and you don't have to pay for it. It's impact on your life can be ZERO if you choose it to be. Quit your belly aching and get on with things.

          Personally, I can't stand the CBC(other than Don Cherry) and really don't watch it(other than Don Cherry). Yet I'm still forced to pay for it. That ticks me off to no end. Until this changes you Sun haters can take a long walk off a short pier.


            grower99 the cbc news is neither objective, well researched or neutral. It has a leftward political and philosophical bias. Sometimes its moderately left, sometimes its extremely left and sometimes its over the top pig-biting, Looney-tunes left. But it is always on the left. Facts and stories that don't fit the leftwing world view stay on the cutting room floor.

            I really don't care if you enjoy this sort of thing and get off on it. But I'm sick and tired of having to pay for your hobby horse and then being lectured by folks like you who can't stand the fact that not everyone loves the same things that you do or conversely hates the things that you do.

            If you can't be tolerant of other peoples choices and other peoples views on these things then you can take a hike.


              Sun News covers some stuff that the Liberal "news" sources shy away from.

              For example -



                Attack the person,don't discuss the
                content of the message. Are these your
                speaking notes.


                  They're certainly yours.




                      The only CBC program worth spending time
                      on is "this is that" because it plays
                      off the stupidity of the typical CBC
                      listener/programs. My favorite part is
                      the call backs, I'm shocked at how many
                      people are to dense to realize it's
                      tongue in cheek satire. Love it.


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