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Oh yea the big thing BOOK YOUR CANOLA SEED!

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    Oh yea the big thing BOOK YOUR CANOLA SEED!

    Well it seems the annual BUll shit starts right on schedule with companies phoning this week that its time Mr Farmer for you to (PAD OUT POCKETS) and book your canola seed. (Guaranteeing that we have acres for 2016 to buy and profit on)
    Get them quick get them hard as the newest and greatest varieties will be gone.
    All I have to say is this shit show we call agriculture has one group that wins all the time and then the guys that do all the work take all the risks and gets little to nothing in return us farmers.
    Something is wrong with this picture. But if we have groups that keep telling people farming is great we will always lose out.

    Coop said "same price" as last yr for Dekalb seed..But book it soon!!!


      Not sure what that is trying to tell us! Cheap this year or charged way too much last.


        Buy my canola in spring , 10 dollars pay end of June , yield good .i don't seem to have lot of the problems that are on here.


          Damn UPOV 91. "forcing" me to buy my seed every year and early and costing so much. Damn you UPOV91!!!

          Yes that's sarcasm. Farmers create the world they want it to look like.


            I'll take the "leftovers". If I'm not satisfied with them, oh well. Someone else can play that game of ordering early to get the "newest, best therefore most expensive" seed.

            In fact my bin run works fine for me. How much worse would it have to do to offset the extra costs? Use some insecticide.


              ? with the cost of seed an the royalties on production from that seed, what is going to be the real cost of seed.


                The companies are only giving us what we've asked for. We want better disease resistance, earlier maturity, standabilty, less pod shatter, and of course more yield. To deliver those traits costs an enormous amount of money. You can't even imagine what it costs to replicate seed in South America, California or wherever. Plus competition means seed companies are always reinvesting or will quickly be left behind.

                Without canola most of our farms would look VERY different or not be there at all. Yes, seed costs are higher, but, so are returns. Plus, you have choices. Go all in groceries high risk/possible high returns or limit your risk lower cost system.


                  Not to be a shill for Bayer but I was so happy with 140p that I booked next years from the combine. On the one hand yes high seed prices drive me crazy but when a variety delivers both yield and traits I will book early and pay because as a previous poster mentioned without canola our farm would look very different.


                    At least with tv or radio we can turn the marketing off.


                      Who's wanting you to book canola seed? Haven't heard anything from our local guys yet


                        SF3...your farm size makes you a big target, they like that, easy to hit. Do you mix it up or stay with one system? For crying out loud make them compete for your business.


                          I have three who try to take each other's business away so it's fun.
                          Trying for 0 dockage on my hrs as a carrot from two.
                          Other ideas also.


                            140 P?????? I know what the "P" stands for!!!!!


                              If you guys were in the equipment manufacturing business would you buy your steel the week before needed? Or price early for less money and guarantee a supply of a good quality product?
                              Just saying.


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