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Isis flags flown in Germany?

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    First of, let's get something straight!

    This is NOT a refugee crisis!

    They are not refugees!

    They are economic, or political migrants!

    Seems only Canadian media are all using the term "refugee" all the time, even American media and others are using a mix of migrant as well as refugee.

    Please correct others as often as you can.

    Fact, most of these migrants have to pass through a stable or democratic Muslim country, before even setting foot in Europe!

    Fact, migrants taking the easterly route from Turkey, have to pass through Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria before finally getting to Germany! Why do they all want to be concentrated in Germany? Can they speak German better than some other European languages?

    Fact, Saudi Arabia has not and will not take one migrant(as well as about 4 other wealthy Gulf countries. The Saudi's won't send clothing or food stocks to help Europe with the "crisis", but they have publically stated they they would build 200 mosque in Germany to help these people!

    Every single picture/video the media shows you has a child or woman as the feature, yet 70 percent of the migrants are male, aged 16-35 years old?

    The man who's 3yr old washed up on the beach was himself a boat operator, shuttling people from Turkey to Greece.

    My wife works professionally with others, some from that area. None of them want "these refugees" to come to Canada! They say they left the area to get away from those type and fell they will bring harm to Canada. They're not against refugees, but they're against "these refugees".

    rider2010 is correct, Muslim migrants are throwing Christian overboard to drown on the trip between Turkey and Greece.

    Heard an opinion on the radio last night, FWIW, stating that when this period is looked back in time, history will view the late summer/fall 2015 as already been in into "the world war", it's just that we don't realize it right now, even though it's happening all around us.


      Ur pathetic media helps Isis cause


        This global mayhem isn't caused by Bush. Or oil. Or by gophers. Or by women.

        This is a 1400 years old religion problem that has been smacked down time and time again. And it's here in 2015.

        This is about fanatically religious Islamists. They believe, what their bible, the Quran, teaches them. What mosques preach.

        And the religious doctrine in their bible, the Quran, requires them to engage in jihad. It can be economic jihad. Infiltration jihad. Beheading jihad etc. But it is a requirement, and even if a man cannot behead, he is expected to financially buy the swords


        Islamists more than willingly died in jihad during the Holy wars, and are still willing to die in jihad in 2015. We are at war with an ideology. Say it aloud. We are at war with an ideology.

        Death is of more value than life. Make sure you understand that concept. It is the key to understanding how to deal with this shitshow.

        Islamists are religiously required to go out and conquer lands, areas, countries. Their final goal is to help Islamize the world so they get to go to heaven. No oil. Not figs. Not camels.

        This is so utterly ridiculous, but it is real. And you have to get your head around it.

        The most dangerous problem Canadians face is fellow bleeding-heart Canadians. They will argue "Most Muslims are peaceful". But the peaceful Muslins were breast feeding when the were read the Quran. They believe in paradise. They have been taught the doctrine of honour killing and killing Jews and the duty of jihad and terrorism and beheadings. And whilst Moderates don't cut heads off, these silent ones finance chaos.

        Saudi Arabia is the major financier of terrorism throughout the world. M
        Mosques are the centre of planning of Islam's world domination

        What can you do today?

        #1 Learn about and read about Islam.
        ex. What is taqiyya?

        #2 Speak out. Loudly. Your family cannot afford you to be a mouse.

        # 3 Explain to your family what jihad is. What **** is. What terrorism is.n Knoweledge is defense. I have friends who's child was snatched and ****d.

        #4 Tell your Candidate what you expect of him or her. Be damn clear. They may be wanting to bring in 35K Unvetted refugees. Expedited

        # 5 Shed your fear of being called a racist. Be proud of condemning jihad. Honour killings. ****. Terrorism . Sweden was eager to be PC and the country is a hellhole. And BE proud of condemning any religion that teaches barbarism

        #6 . Choose your leader in all elections carefully. This is the single most important act you will do this fall.

        That's MY sermon.



          Ahh we just signed a multi billion deal with the Saudis supplying them with armoured vehicles.


            Or does that matter?


              As part of the coalition, Canada committed not to supplying soldiers, but they agreed to supplying vehicles.Absolutely.

              Saudis are committed to fight against ISIS but are certainly a coalition member i don't trust. Who would?

              But the Saudis refuse to take migrants, period, and refuse refugees, and live their grand lifestyle, so they allied to fight ISIS who are the base hordes of fanatics who would invade SA. Ironic isn't it.

              I don't always agree with the head of the coalition, either, who is Obama and have never trusted Obama. But the alternative right now is to not have a coalition. And that is worse.

              The Middle East is a bed of churning hate; of switching alliances, of treachery. And sure death.

              Bombing the area has provided the most impt tool of all .. Localized Aerial information.


                cotton, that deal will aid the Saudi's, in keeping out the migrants.


                  ...the demographics of the "refugees" is alarming, I must admit. Hardly look too poor or hard done by.


                    The Sauds are the biggest bunch of **** sticks around,i'd bet a shiny nickel they are funding isis,its the russians,iranians and syrians fighting them and us at the same time.


                      Wow he could see into the future



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