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    Yes it sure would be nice if riders2010 could quit his personal attacks on Freewheat, Tom, and others.

    Have some class and respect for others.


      Well, he thinks he knows a lot about me, like how many sheep we run and I guess he must know what we sell boxed lamb for as well! lol

      But he has no idea. NONE. He grasps numbers out of thin air, and makes stuff up. Does he do this with everyone, or does he have a special hate on for me? I never noticed before. Lately he seems to be really cantankerous for some reason???

      I hate having to defend myself against his stupid accusations. It gets tiring. Sick of the smears, because some on here may think he knows me and is telling the truth. I am sure the majority have followed along, and know the situation, but for those who have not, I don't know what to say.


        Maybe go over to the sheep section of agriville and count some sheep for one thing. Lol but seriously go there.

        Reform nutballs don't like the truth or anyone having an opinion.

        My problem with you is that you claimed to have the solution to everyone s farming troubles. You lost all these crops and diversified. Right or wrong? And that everyone else struggling hat actually had losses should just suck it up and agri jnstability needs no improvement. When after a year of debating this with the twit it slips out the program never worked for freesheep so hasn't been in it. So wtf s it to you if your not in a program that's supposed to work that doesn t ? And not sure how your sheep diversifying that had 20 in 2014 helped you through those years past? Too funny. Like I said a total drama queen I truly believe gets paid to post.


          Well us ******s in the north east just got at least 1.5- 3.0" of rain in the last 20 hours.
          To bad jd green rider and grass farmer could not also enjoy this ugly experience, what a mess... thank you jesus!! not..


            Heard it's a absolute sh*t show Tisdale to Melfort and SFA harvested, a true harvest from HELL. You have my sympathies but we may be in the same sinking boat if this SOIL POISON does not f*cking stop. Drown here, California 1000's of homes BURN? WTF?


              Riders how is drumming up support for a government payment working for you?

              I believe you were the one saying the cheque should be in the mail in June already.

              Kinda jumped the gun didn't you?


                I believe that is the definition of Drama Queen.


                  So where or what happened to the Cubin assassin and his " I need an assistant payment cause I am a big farmer" b/s
                  He has been non existent for a long time


                    I think Riders and Freewheat need to go to a "Forum Contributor's Encounter". Will you two kiss and make up already. Have a hug and sing Kumbaya....

                    Riders take a pill and chill a bit. Its beginning to reflect badly on you.


                      If the farmers in that Melfort area owe some money, they will do everything they can to harvest. I recall one season I finished November 16, " on the frost" . Lots of farmers were harvesting all night, canola went thought the best after -5 Celsius. They would combine from midnight untill 8 am then pull the sieves and wash them with a portable "hotsy"'.
                      For the record, I do not want to ever do that again.


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