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Conservatives hit new low

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    Conservatives hit new low

    The Conservative party is buying "Likes" from Facebook and applying them to Conservative face book sites, to make it look like more people like their sites. In other words increasing popularity.

    But hey, the Conservatives/Reformers do whatever it takes to win an election no matter how dishonest it is.

    I guess they got caught at Robo calling so now they found another way to cheat.

    To be clear.

    Don't much like my conservative mp this go around. Or my sask party mla either when that election starts.

    Poor highways. Even worse grain movement from the closest point. Rail lines being tore out. Railways doing wtf they want without regulation. Graincos the same way.

    Domestic fertilizer being priced out of Nola. And then repriced in Canadian dollars.

    Potash Corp is a strategic resource but agriculture isn't. Sort of putting the cart before the horse there.

    No vision for what this country could be.

    If we had politicians that had a vision for canada - the economy and budget deficits or surplusses wouldn't matter.

    We would be building a country that would he the envy of the world. Oil, gas, potash, uranium, grain, world class railways for passengers etc etc etc.

    Nope instead we have jerk offs using Facebook to create or reach out to a basement community.



      the whole online thing is a joke politically wise anyway. There is a huge segment of people that will look online, comment, vote on online polls, press "like", "share" etc. and most of these people will not vote. IMO the online presence while necessary doesn't give the bang that the young people think it does. Look out if voting was ever online!


        That's a pretty interesting point James. Never thought about the implications of an online vote. Scary to think about.


          I guess if Justin gets in then everyone can smoke pot and not worry about it.

          With tommy we'll all be on welfare soon and the next generation will have to figure out how to pay for it.

          Talk about vision..... Wow.


            Got into it yesterday online with a politically active left wing young feminist now it All relative. Explained to her that all the deficits in the last number of years where interest cost payments on the existing debt going back into the seventies the money and debt never built a bridge a road or a school she couldn't quite grapple with that thought. Like a harpooned fish she froze up and quickly deleted the the whole conversation from her facebook page so the world couldn't see how much of a dolt she real is.


              I remember going to a motocross race in Regina back in 97. At first I couldn't figure out why everybody drove down the middle of the road. Long story short, Saskatchewan roads sucked back then nothing new. As for railways elevator consolidation and branch line abandonment started long before Harper came to power. I haven't heard any agricultural policies from Mulcair or Trudeau just tax and spend.


                CP... a very viable argument why the COMER initiative should have made some headway....but seems to no avail.



                  Sadly Our Alberta Premier Notley joins the ranks too...

                  And Then there is our new...Alberta Premier Notley... She is embarrassed to be an Albertan... on top. What is next? Will Canadians actually fall for the Riders of the political left... that tell us we should be guilty for breathing air and existence here on Planet Earth???


                  While Albertans are losing tens-of-thousands of jobs, Premier Rachel Notley is busy calling Alberta the "embarrassing cousins no one wants to talk about."

                  We don’t think during this time of economic uncertainty, the NDP should be telling the world that they’re embarrassed of our province.

                  On the same day, her Environment Minister, Shannon Phillips called for a new car tax and carbon tax. These taxes will raise the price of everything on families – just when they’re hurting most. From Wildrose; MLA Leela Aheer
                  Energy Shadow Minister
                  MLA Chestermere-Rocky View

                  Soon Riders...
                  Head offices of US National companies are MOVING to CANADA... and paying taxes HERE instead of to US/OBAMA. WE conservatives should feel guilty. WE sold GM stocks at a profit... we need to feel guilty about that too.

                  And the positive results are starting to show up...

                  I have to wonder if Justin is just a talking head for ND Mulcair... and is trying to throw the election to the NDP.

                  David Akin did a great news piece showing just how badly Justin's advisors... messed up... But in the end the Liberals must be responsible to fact check... Including Justin. There can be NO doubt... Justin is in WAY over his head. He thinks small business owners... have a business... TO AVOID TAXES!

                  Background On;

                  'Justin... he just isn't ready... Trudeau'

                  David Akin 'On the Hill Report':
                  "Last Friday, every newsroom and, one would assume, every campaign war room in the country, would have seen the following advisory from the Department of Finance:

                  The Department of Finance will release the Annual Financial Report of the Government of Canada at 9:00 a.m. ET on Monday, September 14, 2015.

                  The Annual Financial Report summarizes the Government’s financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015, including the budgetary balance. The Department is also releasing updated Fiscal Reference Tables, which provide annual data on the financial position of the federal, provincial-territorial and local governments.

                  And everyone who saw that would have immediately understood its importance. This Annual Financial Report (AFR), with numbers verified by the Auditor General of Canada, would tell us once and for all whether the Stephen Harper Conservatives ran their 7th consecutive deficit for the 12-month period ending on March 31, 2015 (known for the rest of this post as fiscal 2015 or FY15) or broke free and ran a surplus.

                  In Budget 2015, the Conservatives themselves said FY15 would be the last of a string of deficit budgets and did not commit to being out of deficit until the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2016 (and shall be referred to as fiscal 2016 or FY16). Their political opponents have been saying all campaign long that FY15 would be a deficit. But many independent observers thought that FY15 would show a small surplus.

                  So everyone knows this scorecard is to be made public at 9 ET. Every major newsroom in the country (including mine) was offered a chance to get a copy of the report at 8 ET on the condition we would not broadcast or publish details until 9 ET. I was one of those journalists that agreed to this routine embargo condition and accepted the report.

                  Nonetheless, the Liberal campaign — which did not get an embargoed copy — scheduled its leader, Justin Trudeau to make an announcement on support for seniors at 8:30 ET on Monday morning, 30 minutes before the release of the Annual Financial Report (AFR). Trudeau’s announcement was made in Toronto in front of a seniors advocacy group. The announcement itself took only a few minutes but then, rather than immediately take questions from reporters, Trudeau played host to a town hall-style Q & A from the assembled seniors. The clock, meanwhile, ticked toward 9 ET.

                  At 9 ET, Trudeau was still talking to the seniors. A few minutes after 9, he invited questions from the media. The very first question, not surprisingly, was about the information that every reporter had had in front of them for an hour but which neither Trudeau nor any of his advisors had seen:

                  REPORTER: You spent a lot of time attacking Mr. Harper on his economic record. Numbers just released by the Department of Finance about 15 minutes ago show that there was a $1.9 billion surplus posted in 2014-2015. So that basically balances the books a full year ahead of schedule. Given these new numbers, can you still say that Mr. Harper is a poor money manager and how do these numbers affect your own timeline? Because you have said that you won’t balance the books until 2019?

                  Trudeau should never have been put in this position. His first media availability Monday should have been scheduled until later in the day so that he could have read and been briefed on the report. Or Trudeau should have finished with reporters questions before the 9 ET release of the “surprise surplus.” Or he should have simply told reporters he would answer questions about this major budget document which he had not yet read later in the day.

                  Instead, he plunged right in — with disastrous results, considering he’ll be in a leaders’ debate on the economy in three days.

                  TRUDEAU: First of all, let’s remind everyone accord to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, according to a wide range of experts, we are in deficit right now …

                  Trudeau here is referring to a July 2015 report from the Parliamentary Budget Office. The PBO report is about the cvrrent fiscal year, FY16, but Trudeau was asked about FY15 and the fact that the government was in surplus in 2015. In any event, the PBO report from July 2015 is an estimate, an estimate based on a series of assumptions about future GDP growth, about future oil prices. Since it is an estimate it is, by definition, not fact. And some of those GDP and oil price estimates have changed since that PBO report was prepared. In any event, the Budget 2015 numbers from the Department of Finance predicted a surplus for FY16. In PBO vs Finance Canada, it’s certainly not a slam dunk that PBO is always right.

                  … Mr. Harper has put us in deficit this year…

                  Absolutely false. So far this year — FY16 — we have data from three months or the first quarter. After three months, we are in surplus to the tune of $5 billion. A good chunk of that surplus — $2.1 billion — is the result of a one-time gain Canada made when it sold its stake in General Motors. But the rest is the result, as Finance said when it released the numbers for June, of increased revenues. We still have a ways to go but, at least so far, we are in surplus, not deficit. Trudeau continued …

                  As for last year’s numbers, we know—and we saw Mr. Harper under-spending and making cuts to veterans affairs…

                  Nope. Wrong. Look to the table at page 16 of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Government of Canada [PDF] — a document which the Auditor General has verified — and you’ll see that the Department of Veterans Affairs spent $121 million more in FY15 than FY14, an increase of 13.5%.

                  …to aboriginal affairs…

                  Wrong again. Page 16 again. Aboriginal Affairs spent a whopping $1.986 billion — billion, with a ‘b’ — more in FY15 than it spent in FY14. That was an increase of nearly 30%.

                  … to seniors…

                  Strike three. I’ll quote from the AFR (p. 19): “Elderly benefits consist of Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowance payments. Total benefits were up $2.3 billion, or 5.5 per cent, in 2014–15, reflecting growth in the elderly population and changes in consumer prices, to which benefits are fully indexed. The increase in elderly benefits also reflects the accrual of retroactive payments.”

                  … in the billions of dollars to that he could balance the books in time for his election. it was a political goal that actually has helped us slide into the recession…

                  There is no economist anywhere that has concluded the actions or inactions of the federal government caused two successive quarters of negative GDP growth, the narrowest of definitions of recession. Moreover, as consumer demand remained strong in the first half of the year and employment growth was also strong in the first half, the consensus view of most economists is that Canada was never in a recession. In any event: A sitting prime minister puts the country in recession so he can get credit for balancing the budget? After running six deficits that were incurred to pull us out of recession? Does that even make sense?

                  … that Canada is the only G7 country in [recession] right now …

                  Let’s call this one a “Likely Wrong” again. I don’t know how every other G7 country is doing but Canada was in that narrow technical recession from January through to May. In June, the month for which we have the most recent data, the economy grew 0.5%. There is no economist I am aware of predicting negative growth for the current quarter or for the rest of the year. Now, most are predicting “sluggish” growth but growth is growth. The Bank of Canada said in July growth should be about 1 % this year. So while only a handful would say we were in a shallow technical recession earlier this year, there ain’t any I know of to say we’re still in recession.

                  … but our economic platform to invest in canada, to invest in the future is not based on the past few bad months that Mr. Harper has had. it’s about the past bad ten years that Mr. harper has put forward. Canadians I’ve talked to across this country recognize that we need investment in housing, in public transit. in growing the economy. Because Mr. Harper has been unable to create that growth. and we are committed to balancing the budget in 2019 —

                  The budget is balanced right now. And two of his political opponents believe it should stay balanced.

                  … and we will do that be being fiscally responsible and by growing the economy to the kind of investments in jobs and in Canadians that we need. We are the party that is telling Canadians the truth about the economy.

                  Truth about the economy? The truth is we a) ran a surplus in FY15 b) are in surplus after the first quarter of FY16 and c) spending by Ottawa on veterans, aboriginal affairs, and seniors increased in 2015 in absolute and relative terms compared to 2014.

                  A war room forewarned — as it was on Friday — should be forearmed. On a day when everyone and their uncle knew the big deal would be surplus or deficit, the Liberals sent their leader unprepared. And then it failed to follow up later in the day in any substantive way to challenge the numbers or the economic record of the incumbent they’re trying to beat."


                    On the contrary... Justin calls all our small businesses "Tax evasion schemes"... After all we have high net worth.


                      Congratulations Tom I wasn't aware you got a job as a Stunned News reporter.

                      Maybe it will help you pay back that 400000 dollars owed everyone assumes to the Conservative party I guess? Since you won't answer that question.


                        Had never heard of comer took a quick goggle peek looks interesting thank you.

                        Rider stop attacking the man only the ideas"nobody will remeber what you said or did only how you made them feel"


                          Riders, how come your so interested in other people's private business? Tom, freewheat etc.. It looks like you have no life of your own. Get a life!


                            Randy had brought up the COMER thing awhile back...haven't heard from him for some time....
                            To me, it makes a lot of sense, but shows you who is really running the country.


                              Not attacking anyone more than all the people that say there are no programs that get labelled communists. Or just what you ve done that's not an attack you reform fk? You boys don't like the truth.

                              Tom referred to me above so I responded. That s a stunned news report with half the facts.
                              Tom told us the transportation industry was great but when his farm had poor service he went in a hunger strike. But that would t look good during election so all of a sudden someone else paid a 400000 lien on his land. If that isn't a bit strange don't know what is. I merely asked him to clarify should be easy to do.

                              And freesheep well that story speaks for itself. None of the dots connect to the story there but I really don't care. His story was proven a myth over and over. Has actually insulted so any farmers that don't have a crop. But I guess that's ok

                              You reformers want this site to be your little propaganda add.


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