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    Thank for the reminder Boarder, I've actually started to reply to a few and ended up deleting them for various reasons.

    I guess to clarify, the parallels between oil and grain are the same yet general public discount importance of agriculture to GDP, economy and social infrastructure. The primary reason canadian supporters want pipe line is to achieve world price and fair access (the same as grain, but...)


      There is a big reason why everyone should care what price oil companies are receiving is the royalties and income tax es that they pay. We are collecting probably 20% less because of this, provincial and federally.

      So it is more important than you think.


        Halmoc Oliver88 Tom4cwb

        You quy's post away on here about the NDP not building pipeline. Exactly what pipelines are you talking about, the ones Harper bragged were going to built under his tender as PM? Nine year as PM nothing done, now we should fear the NDP. Harper missed the boat, plain and simple. Oil prices are in the tank, and what company would start a pipeline right now anyways?

        Harper was two busy blaming everybody else for his lack of not getting the job done. First it was the rancher from Nebraska, then it was Obama, then the First Nations, next it will be the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. Typical Con/Reformer it's always somebody else's fault.

        But, you guys will continue to justify how great Harper is and that he and his Con/Reform government are the only ones that can save the country. Harper couldn't even get Keystone or Gateway built. But go ahead we all know your part of the "OLD STOCK" that he can always count on to vote for him no matter how terrible of a job he has done.

        Can you now understand why I think you guys all need PMO speaking point?

        The Alberta NDP have been in power for four months and in YOUR opinion the province is falling apart. Your beloved PC's were in power for 44 years, and how good of a job did they do. Tom your far to negative of a man for your own good.


          Tom, negative? You've got to be kidding! I'm guessing forage that anybody who disagrees with you is considered negative. If harper is so bad how come our country is doing so well in supposedly tough times. Me thinks you are the one who complaineth too much!



            The tread was about pipelines. Please tell all of us here on Agriville which pipelines are you defending that were built while Harper has been PM.

            Your part of that "OLD STOCK" Harper referred to, so you should have all the answers from the speaking points at your disposal.

            As for how good Canada is doing provide me with some numbers to backup your statement.


              Enbridge Line 3 Replacement is going to be built in the next year or two. These things don't happen over night with land owner associations and the NEB, etc. Or doesn't this one count? Hardisty Alberta to Superior Wisconsin.


                From what I've read it's a replacement line, up grading worn out lines. Nothing new!!! They were built long before Harper came into power.


                  NEB or Enbridge could have said to hell with it. It is a replacement as the job title suggests.



                    You really should get out more.

                    We are on the corridor Edm East... 8 lines since 2006... and at Killam on the corridor at least 4.

                    I clearly indicated we needed BOTH pipelines and refineries... NDP are now in charge of the big EDM North refinery being built for the provincial gov here in AB... as I said the most expensive in history per barrel refined. Carbon Capture... the whole shabang... and the feds are helping with funding also... all before Premier Notley was a gleam in the AB electorates eye. Premier Stelmach and PC's instigated the new AB gov refinery being built.

                    Regina Federated Coop and Husky Lloyd have both increased refining capacity... as have all the majors around Edmonton.

                    NDP plans to increase costs of fuel and transportation (i.e. Carbon tax) of our products to market... can hardly be called visionary or helpful to employment in Alberta or Canada Not negative... just the real world we work in and with!

                    AS is clearly stated... we need oilpipelines to arbitrage world oil prices.


                      Arbritrage is a word you use when you are blowing smoke or trying to scam someone.

                      There is no such thing.

                      We have 2 fertilizer plants within 100 miles. The primary producers of fertilizer have a cost of about 300 dollars per tonne. But to jack it up to world Nola price they say it makes a trip across the ocean or an an imaginary trip to Nola for s farm price of 600 per tonne.

                      Same with fuel. But for some reason grain doesn't arbritrage that way.


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