Others get it... got who paid... so if you refuse to take at face value what happened... I gave up on you actually wanting to understand complex legal undertakings like a Class Action proceeding.
I did not myself file the AB Class Action Case [Legal Council filed and argued the case] (I Was only the name on the face of the action representing all grain growers in western Canada)... so why would I be responsible to pay anything???. Which was why it was so annoying CNCP tied up our families farm.
ASK your lawyer... perhaps this person will explain Class Actions in Alberta... if it actually matters!
Others get it... got who paid... so if you refuse to take at face value what happened... I gave up on you actually wanting to understand complex legal undertakings like a Class Action proceeding.
I did not myself file the AB Class Action Case [Legal Council filed and argued the case] (I Was only the name on the face of the action representing all grain growers in western Canada)... so why would I be responsible to pay anything???. Which was why it was so annoying CNCP tied up our families farm.
ASK your lawyer... perhaps this person will explain Class Actions in Alberta... if it actually matters!