One of my pet peeves as you know is farmers building storage.
From what you just said, wouldn't it make more sense to have that space and air at the elevators?
They could blend more, air more etc and grain would be in position to move.
It comes down to logistics about some of these issues. Not just from farmers but from the other side of power supply as well.
Gets pretty expensive to upgrade the rural power network for something that could be positioned better and for less cost by just using paper drying/blending.
And who will pay for the system upgrades?
One of my pet peeves as you know is farmers building storage.
From what you just said, wouldn't it make more sense to have that space and air at the elevators?
They could blend more, air more etc and grain would be in position to move.
It comes down to logistics about some of these issues. Not just from farmers but from the other side of power supply as well.
Gets pretty expensive to upgrade the rural power network for something that could be positioned better and for less cost by just using paper drying/blending.
And who will pay for the system upgrades?