have to agree with you Tom on this one. Freeloaders like Wilagro, forage and rider cant wait for the NDP to tax the the 10% who pay at least 75% of the bills. why not vote for a party who discriminates on the rich I get more and someone else pays. Isnt that right forage. and by the way don't forget wilagro doesn't farm even though he talks like it.
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I have no problem paying taxes, in fact if I'm paying taxes that means my farm is profitable. I don't freeload at all, that's the whole idea behind farming, in case you didn't know!!!!
Walk, you shouldn't assume what other farmer's incomes are, because you don't know nothing about mine or anybody else's financial situations.
Try to keep your posts around politics, not outrageous assumptions!!!
I get a kick out of posters like you and Tom, you automatically consider your farm's are somehow more successful than others because you vote for the Conservative/Reform party and we don't. Anybody on the other side can't possibly be a farming success and be apart of your elite 10-20% producing 80%.
Walk, you and Tom don't have a clue as to what commodities I, or any body else produce.
Oh the right wing extremists nutballs all hang together the usual rich pay everything. What a *** joke. Give rhe reform another term so
that the rich can get more welfare is what it is. 3000 people at food banks most have full time jobs. Why is that? Because somebody somewhere has to fk them over to make
It big.
Don't process the oil here send it to the states so they can have the real jobs and we can get our pittance of a share.
Mouseheart is there any mental
Disorders in your history? Voting for an extreme
Twit that even reformers are changing the line to he s not perfect just lies a bit but vote for him or else oil will go away.
And I didn't say I support Mulcair or Trudeau I said I can't vote for a lieing fkr that hasn't accomplished a dam thing for 10 years and now all of a sudden he says stay the course
What course is that? There is no course.
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