This is why NOTley and Mulcair are wrong.
If there was big money to be made... privates are here to arbitrage the Big oil guys down... as are Coops.
The ND's are spouting a ficticious imaginary solution... that is not based in: economics or environmental; sustainability.
Talking points that could 'sound good'... but are red herrings that depreciate our oil assets in western Canada... and our prosperity... at our expense... and the railway's gain. If Conservatives were in the back pocket of railways... they wouldn't try so hard to fix our pipe line problems.
More like the ND and Libs are in the pockets of Unions and RR big boys.
It is truly amazing the spin of the Left... distract, intimidate, and deceive. Too bad so many here swallow this garbage hook line and sinker.
This is why NOTley and Mulcair are wrong.
If there was big money to be made... privates are here to arbitrage the Big oil guys down... as are Coops.
The ND's are spouting a ficticious imaginary solution... that is not based in: economics or environmental; sustainability.
Talking points that could 'sound good'... but are red herrings that depreciate our oil assets in western Canada... and our prosperity... at our expense... and the railway's gain. If Conservatives were in the back pocket of railways... they wouldn't try so hard to fix our pipe line problems.
More like the ND and Libs are in the pockets of Unions and RR big boys.
It is truly amazing the spin of the Left... distract, intimidate, and deceive. Too bad so many here swallow this garbage hook line and sinker.