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New trade agreement

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    The trade deal was very much secretive before the election...
    The "leap" thing, I am still trying to wrap my head around....
    But one thing to me is clear...actions taken should be to the benefit of many, not just a few...( and in dairy, I do believe it is beneficial to the consumer as well, it has been a stable supply, but again, lets fix the quota which is beneficial to a few...)


      "The trade deal was very much secretive before the election... "

      You need to find different sources for your information... perfecto...
      TPP has been a major news maker for years.

      "ATLANTA -- A day of decision lies ahead for international trade talks as 12 countries must determine Sunday whether to tune out nagging individual worries in order to create the world's largest trade zone.
      Ministerial meetings in Atlanta have dragged on three days longer than scheduled and it appears this might be the make-or-break moment for concluding the Trans-Pacific Partnership here, and now, before the Canadian election.
      A few final irritants have pushed negotiations into the take-it-or-leave-it phase, after which some ministers have a G20 meeting in Turkey including Japan's envoy who has made it clear he's gone after Sunday.
      Only NDP will defend Quebec farms, Ontario manufacturing: Mulcair
      Provinces split over TPP, with west in favour, east concerned
      If monster TPP deal is reached, Harper says Canada will release details
      Trade Minister Ed Fast in Atlanta
      Trade Minister Ed Fast speaks to reporters in Atlanta on Friday, Oct. 2, 2015, where he's negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. (THE CANADIAN PRESS / Alexander Panetta)
      The final issues include an important feud over how to regulate next-generation pharmaceuticals. On that issue, Canada is essentially a neutral bystander. But it's a full-fledged disputant in another final-hour tussle, this one involving a more traditional industry -- dairy -- and how much of it to accept in imports.
      Countries face the following dilemma: Accept the deal now, warts and all. Or wait, and risk that this decade-long project dies a slow, politically driven death.
      It became clear relatively early Saturday that all-night negotiations had failed to conclude agreements on those few issues, delaying yet another day the planned celebratory news conference announcing the deal.
      "Ministers have agreed to stay (until Sunday)," one source said, as hopes for a deal Saturday faded.
      So what began as a two-day ministerial meeting in an Atlanta convention centre will have wound up lasting five days, amid widespread desire from deal proponents to get it done now before elections in Canada, the U.S., Peru and Japan."



        Sorry Tom, should have clarified...secretive in what it contains...most elected officials have no idea what it contains, call that "democracy"...
        From your post..
        "If monster TPP deal is reached, Harper says Canada will release details"
        Note: "Monster"


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