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Harperman... Old White BabyBoomers...Mock PM

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    Harperman... Old White BabyBoomers...Mock PM

    Interesting... how our Mainline Media is biased; as are many in Public Service in Ottawa.

    Truth or Fiction... those who keep absorbing all this schmuck from the leftist mainstream media... become like them. Agriville is proof enough for me!

    tom if you hold the view of ezra you are truly a pathetic hypocrit. you may perform your duties as a civil servant according to the set giuidelines. at the same time having the freedom to voice personal view on policy. just as you did not like how the cons handled dealing with the railways over charging of 76 million. only you lost and it cost you maybe not finacialy but publicly. regardless of the party in power everyone has and should maintain this right. or would you prefer dictatorship style rule.


      Are those the same people Harper was referencing when he mentioned "old stock" Canadians?


        Tom , the Truth has a left wing bias.


          Sure mustard, and as the left gets more power, they'll create the "Ministry of [URL=http://tinyurl.com/nb2mj6m]Truth[/URL]



            Thanks for calling me names.

            Good points were made in the clip.

            intimidation is not needed... it is obviously standard procedure for some with less than a strong position to defend.


              Looks like only 30 per cent of canadians of any shade share Harpermans vision. Time to go.


                Tom, don’t hold your breath waiting for any of these guys to refute anything Mr. Levant has said. Still waiting, and won’t hear anything because he’s right. They know full well that if an audience like that was singing any right wing talking points against the government that the media would be ridiculing them and delegitimizing them by pointing out their uniform caucasion demographic.

                Ezra’s point is that the media who is supposed to be, but is anything but neutral, operates as the “Ministry of Truth” (Lies), bending all their news stories to bolster their friends on the left and harm the Conservatives.


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