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Doing the right thing

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    Doing the right thing

    Amongst all the calls that we don't have any "great" candidates to choose from to lead our country it was inspiring to listen to this piece by Nenshi, Calgary's mayor.
    I think he has the potential to be that leader of a lifetime for our country. Take the time to listen and you won't be disappointed.


    Nenshi is so anti rural and ag you'd welcome harper.


      I'm not interested in the tiny "what benefits me most" picture, it's about big picture, the future of our country. Nenshi is all about community and inclusiveness so he isn't "anti-rural" or "anti-ag".


        Nenshi would be good ,grassfarmer , heard him on the national , talking about the 'niquab' issue.

        Mcfarms, Harper has been the Most Anti rural gov't in my farming career


          Oh I'm sorry I thought this was an agriculture site.


            Harper had been the best prime minister
            That the AG INDUSTRY could Buy.

            But not so good for farmers


              Kinda what I was getting at mustard


                Not sure where you'd get the idea that the Conservatives are anti-Ag, but I'd guess you're bitter about not collecting your CWB per diems anymore mustard.

                The rest of us can sell our wheat and barley to whoever we want to now, thanks to PM Harper and his removal of the property confiscating single desk buyer.


                  Every so called farm bill passed by this gov't has been very good for
                  Grain Co's
                  Chemical co's
                  Seed co's/chemical co's
                  The railroads

                  Even you farmranger should see this


                    I do agree that Nenshi is a fantastic orator, he has the ability to explain issues better than most politicians. He is undoubtably a progressive politicians, calgarians favourite nickname for him is spenshi. I have heard him on qr77 radio many many times since he became mayor. The one fault I find with him is that he always believes he is the smartest person in the room and he can get somewhat pissy when you disagree with him. I have no doubt he will become a federal politician.

                    As for the continuing debate on the wheat board, it used to be I had one place to sell my malt barley now I have 5, all within 1 hour of my bins. And I don't have to wait a year and a half for all my money, enough said.



                      Your malt barley example I agree with but it's a narrow view.

                      It illustrates that the cwb needed new management not a new end user owner.

                      It benefits you. Good. But there are still guys getting ****ed on malt.

                      Once it's accepted it should be put in the maltser ownership and let them deal with downgrading at their convenience. Instead of letting it sit in farmers bin and missing an opportunity to sell feed barley at a higher price after they reject it as malt in the later months.


                        It isn't the fact they kyboshed the Board that gets my dander up, it was the haste and lack of planning that drives me nuts....

                        The benifits you mention Hamloc are real but...!

                        They had 4 years to ease into it but opened the flood gates without checks and balances.
                        Bucket brings up very good points about the transportation file, no transparent reporting of sales, exchange mysteries in basis...


                          What the hell is it going to take for people like you to realize there is no future. Open your god damn eyes.


                            Sorry. Let's get back on track, that debate is over...


                              bucket, that's no different than before, missing all the winter feed rallies only to have barley rejected in June. My barley went out of condition more than once prior to market freedom. Very little of my barley gets contracted to Canadian maltsters for long term delayed delivery now.

                              mustard, you'll have to name the legislation, because, no, I've never seen any recent legislation that only benefitted <i>"Grain Co's, Chemical co's, Seed co's/chemical co's The railroads" </i> without also benefitting farmers.


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