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Pasta plant?

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    Pasta plant?

    What happened to all the promises that once the wheat board was gone western Canada would manufacture lots of pasta?

    Many of you claimed that the wheat board was the only reason pasta wasn't being made here. What happened?

    THIS AGAIN......isnt your drum almost worn out.


      Katib got appointed to cta review.

      No time for money losing ventures like a pasta plant on the prairies until it's government funded.


        Agree, that ship has sailed.
        Give it a rest.


          Harper and his gang used the pasta plant as another ruse in their quest to destroy ANY organization or Act of Parliament to give farmers power to direct their own affairs through marketing boards or other means. Once the CWB was destroyed then the promises made went out the window or in today's parlance "were thrown under the bus".
          This new Pacific Trade Sell-out will work the same way. Government support for those dairy farmers affected will dry up as soon as the American supply chain to Canada is up and running.
          It's all honey and rose petals for now...Harper is in his glory. He just has to get a majority government and then you will see what this turkey has pulled off.


            Quite simply, the ship sailed, without us. It took too long. The opportunity was there but left because The Friends of the Wheat Board were just that, friends of the wheat board , not friends of farmers.

            Just one example of many is the capital cost to build a plant in 1995 is a quarter of what it would cost today.



              PM Harper was born in Toronto... not Turkey! So why did you call him a Turkey?

              From Wiki;
              "Early life and education
              Harper was born and raised in Toronto, the first of three sons of Margaret (née Johnston) and Joseph Harris Harper, an accountant at Imperial Oil.[4] The Harper family traces its ancestry back to Yorkshire, England, with Christopher Harper emigrating from Yorkshire to Nova Scotia in 1784, where he later served as justice of the peace in the area that is now New Brunswick.[5][6]

              Harper attended Northlea Public School and, later, John G. Althouse Middle School and Richview Collegiate Institute, both in Central Etobicoke. He graduated in 1978, and was a member of Richview Collegiate's team on Reach for the Top, a television quiz show for Canadian high school students.[7] Harper enrolled at the University of Toronto but dropped out after two months.[8] He then moved to Edmonton, Alberta, where he found work in the mail room at Imperial Oil.[8] Later, he advanced to work on the company's computer systems. He took up post-secondary studies again at the University of Calgary, where he completed a bachelor's degree in economics in 1985. He later returned there to earn a master's degree in economics, completed in 1991.[9] Harper has kept strong links to the University of Calgary, where he often lectured. Harper is the first prime minister since Joe Clark without a law degree."


                So Tom your telling us Harpers ONLY job was in a Mailroom?? I dont think he's ready to be prime minister. (and his record proves it}


                  Excuses excuses.

                  It was political BS to discredit the wheat board at the time and everyone who understood the pasta industry knew it. But many of you were either sucked in or just plain naive and often repeated the rhetoric.

                  Now I see the Saudis and China are interested in Glencore's ag. asetts. (Viterra). Won't that be fun. I can't imagine many of you planned on selling directly to the Saudis and the Chinese?


                    Tom, for your information people born in Turkey are called Turkish. Duh!!


                      We sell our wheat for a lot more money than we use to get and we get all the money once it hits the pit. Good ****in ridance.


                        We have lost much of our food processing industry in Canada over the decades. Preventable? Some perhaps. How to properly encourage an indusrty to flourish?
                        I agree with Braveheart. Some ships have sailed. We all have some responsibility. Some more than others. People like the Friends, the most of all. What did their kind accomplish in 40 years? I know of projects that were looked at and dropped over that time period.
                        What would New Zealands dairy industry look like with their attitudes.?


                          Why can there not be a discussion ON this topic? Would not a proposed pasta plant add market support for the durum market? Murad did promise one to be built and Gerry and the Blonde lady did lead us to believe that durum farmers and the durum market would benefit. The monopoly is gone, but this is now, I think the topic is a valid one. Where is Murad at on this? That lack of follow thru by a crop purchasing company does reflect on my view of how they MAY do business.


                            Much like the day over in kindersley it was just a rah rah event. A feel good thing at best.

                            The government's handling of introducing an open market has been dismal at best.

                            And even with the latest TPP announcements more markets mean better transportation.

                            Nothing is happening on that file other than parked equipment and lay offs.


                              Well, carefull what you ask for. Murad just bought Mobile Grain. He's providing infrastructure for the pasta plant.


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