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SM5 Quota may well be worth more under TPP!

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    SM5 Quota may well be worth more under TPP!

    Protecting and preserving Canada’s supply management system

    The Government of Canada announced a series of new programs and initiatives for supply-managed producers and processors to support them throughout the implementation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Canada-EU Trade Agreement. Under both agreements, the three pillars of the supply management system will remain protected.

    The following programs will be implemented:

    The Income Guarantee Program will keep producers whole by providing 100 per cent income protection to producers for a full 10 years from the day TPP comes into force. Income support assistance will continue on a tapered basis for an additional five years, for a total of 15 years. $2.4 billion is available for this program.
    The Quota Value Guarantee Program will protect producers against reduction in quota value when the quota is sold following the implementation of TPP. $1.5 billion has been set aside for this demand-driven program, which will be in place for 10 years.
    The Government also announced two additional programs:

    The $450 million-Processor Modernization Program will provide processors in the supply-managed value chain with support to further advance their competitiveness and growth.
    The Market Development Initiative will assist supply-managed groups in promoting and marketing their top-quality products. To support the initiative $15 million in new funding will be added to the AgriMarketing Program.
    In addition to the long-term $4.3-billion investment outlined above, the Government will intensify on-going anti-circumvention measures that will enhance our border controls. These measures include requiring certification for spent fowl, preventing importers from circumventing import quotas by adding sauce packets to chicken products, and excluding supply-managed products from the Government of Canada’s Duties Relief Program. Cheese compositional standards, introduced by the Government of Canada in 2008, have been maintained. The Government remains committed to ensuring they are enforced, so the standards we have for Canadian cheese are fully maintained.

    The Canadian Dairy Commission and the Farm Products Council of Canada will work with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to ensure the Income Guarantee and Quota Value Guarantee programs are delivered to producers in an effective and efficient manner. The Government will continue to work closely with dairy, poultry and egg producers and the entire supply-managed sector to implement these initiatives.

    These Cabinet-approved initiatives will support producers and processors throughout the implementation period of TPP and the Canada-EU Trade Agreement.

    The TPP will secure new market access opportunities for Canadian dairy, poultry and egg exports. Dairy, poultry and egg producers and processors will benefit over time from increased duty-free access to the United States and all other TPP countries. This will include complete tariff elimination on some specialty cheeses, including several artisanal cheeses, entering the United States.

    It will be interesting to see how all this shakes out!


      What a joke. Take a program (supply management) that costs the Government nothing, throw it away to appease some of our trade competitors and replace it with a Government guaranteed income program.

      How is that the free enterprise that all you Harperites support?

      Woopee, now we can look forward to greatly expanded beef exports - NOT!
      a. we don't have the cattle.
      b. we will always be high cost suppliers on the world market - due to having a winter.
      c. we don't have processors interested in shipping beef to other than the US.

      A guess the thinking is a few loads of offal to Vietnam will revolutionize the business. Not going to happen.


        agree 100 percent


          grassfarmer you want to talk about a joke. you a big NDPer who are looking out for the working people. How much more a year does a low income worker pay for dairy, poultry and eggs? as a percentage of income it would be fairly significant. Grassfarmer do you have any SM% connections? Trying to figure out the lefts passion is for protecting it?


            Putting it in NDP terms why should the working people subsidize multimillion dollar farms. Many of those farms are worth into the 8 figures. I bet on every single grocery shop SM5 costs an extra $10-$15 average. Butter, milk, eggs, chicken, turkeys, cheese, yogurt etc etc. Grassfarmer why are you protecting all this on the backs of low income workers since that's who are effected the most. Im sure the extra $20 to you doesn't matter since you are a MNP top producer


              have to take that last line back that was mustardman not grassfarmer on the MNP jab


                yes no matter what the business , what the industry, chemical . seed , prescription drugs,health care , even pot.
                this govt.s mission is to deliver
                the market power and money to the top 1%.

                whether it is making sure a farmer or the public will never truly own a seed again.
                or getting the taxpayer to enforce and jail those that will not pay the corporate pot co.s

                a Conservative Socialism for the top 1%. which is basically all that this govt. has done since it had a majority.

                and of course to fund this transition.
                they will get the other 99% to pay for it.
                4.3 billion. from the taxpayer to transfer the industry to the 1% .

                milk and cheese might be cheaper for a while. but basically it is just a transfer of the profits, mostly out of the country.
                and all funded by the Cdn. taxpayer.

                just give him another 4 years.
                the biggest richest prize of all waits to be pillaged.

                Health care

                with our heath care costs per person at 60% of the US.
                think of the money , just laying there on the table.

                piece by piece Harper will give it to them. already killing some generics
                so a 30$ prescription will probably cost 400$.

                and stupid cdn.s are worried about mike Duffy . Wake up people

                you just watch him do it to healthcare.

                . think about a 100% health care cost increase and the sellout of everything public or canadian.

                now that makes me sick

                elect him again and you dam well deserve it.


                  And then you have a 1% er from birth, who has no clue about the common Canadian. Yet the left would vote for an entitled, spoiled 1% er.


                    vvalk, no SM connections here other than an appreciation of a good system that works. I guess you don't shop very often - chicken too expensive in the store? you must be joking.

                    The basic mistake you make is thinking if processors or retailers can access the base commodity cheaper they will pass on the savings to the consumer.
                    Look what happened over a decade with BSE - cattle prices collapsed but beef price dipped only slightly for a while then quickly climbed higher than pre-BSE levels while live cattle prices were still about 70% of previous levels.

                    I guess you can't wait to inflict your grain farmer predicament on others. Sell cheap to a handful of buyers so they can turn round and sell ever more expensive flour or whatever.


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