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Fixed election dates,

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    Fixed election dates,

    So looks like the new normal for fixed election dates is that the government in power will have all kinds of things on hold that need to be done or announced until the period of the election. for example We ll see what the trade deal brings but to have it work out to the signing days before the vote is really lacking. We wont know anything about this deal good or bad for a long time, but some of the hillbillies will be parading around as we already see. Not even knowing what they are paradeing for or against.

    Would expect Wall will have some sort of same deal in the works for the provincial election.

    Wow riders keep pounding your drum over and over and over again. You will just have to abstain from voting this year because you could never vote for a right wing party anyways. Maybe you should let us know who you really are.......Kyle Korychuck.


      Really they new a new trade deal would be signed during the election. Huge world deal. Yea we sure have power in Canada.
      God some on here do you just not get it.
      Harper has made mistakes but at least he seems to get most things right, some need a little tweaking vs the NDP and liberals are like throwing shit at a fan and see what's going to happen.


        It does seem funny that after 5 yrs they would have an all night marathon to get deal done. Unless they had a closing date decided on. Then take 4hrs off just to get up to announce they had a deal.


          ??? This deal will have to be ratified in parliament. That will have to take place after the election.

          Conservatives, with a majority, will no doubt pass it. With a minority, I'm sure they'll look to other MP's to pass it.

          Liberals, say they're a "party that supports trade", they'll look at it.

          NDP, haven't said they won't support it, also, they also haven't said they won't sign it! Tommy is using very abstract language. I would think NDP supporters would want Tommy to be a little more definitive than he is.

          BTW riders, this from an earlier thread,

          riders2010 Reply posted Oct 5, 2015 9:46
          This is an oil deal. It will move grain and livestock down. Take a look at who wants to sell beef here and USA. Any time Stevey the liar king went to china for oil deals within month or so grain to china dropped. The deal is all about selling our oil so to get that something else gets sacrificed. It will be agriculture manufacturing and anything that benefits the east.

          I'll bet this makes it easier for china to buy land here farm it and take the grain out directly without paying taxes etc. on that value.

          China is not in this deal.

          Oh ya, one more thing, 12,000 Supply managed farmers will receive $4,300,000,000. Dairy farmers association seems pretty happy with that. Somebody tell Mulcair, cause he's still making speeches to the contrary.
          Most of these dairy farms, particularly in ON and QB are worth 8 figures, ohhh, the poor dairy farmers!!! They have to compete in 3.25 percent of the market. lol


            Boarder do you not know how things work in trade. To circumvent tarriffs etc countries do paper trades with middlemen countries to get what they want. China does it all the time.

            And yes this deal is all about oil movement the rest is collateral good or collateral damage harper man could care less.

            Something had to be sacrificed to get the oil deals I don't think 3% was even the big ticket sacrificed.
            There s something else in there not being shown.
            No one has answered what were the tarriffs by us and on us by the countries involved that will be lowered?


              Are you suggesting a massive conspiracy?!

              Harper has the power to get the largest trade deals done in history two weeks before an election to make him more popular.

              Are you seriously suggesting our provincial premier will now make another world free trade dea with several countries happen by April??
              Great achievement if yes.

              Ahhhhhh good Tueday humour. 😂


                He s had ten years!!! Who were the last countries to make changes?

                And as far as being such a difficult thing it isn t, with the cheap labour in many of these countries they re dieing to sign this deal.


                  Not a conspiracy or a coincidence. But can anyone explain the last minute marathon after 5 yrs of negotiations?


                    There were 12 countries involved with all of their sectors.
                    All countries had some give and take you'd have to assume.

                    Great job done by our government to now have got us free trade deals with 51 countries.


                      Riders are these the latest talking points from the NDP? I would think the US is at the centre of this agreement, why would Obama time the ratification of this agreement to help Harper? I believe one of the often stated opinions of the left is Harper's inability to get along with the U.S. administration. Plain and simple Rider, your further off the mark than usual lol.


                        Anyone remember other free trade agreement negotiations, gatt, etc. They all involve years of negotiation and all nighters at the end to finalize.

                        To say Canada could set the final dealing date of a 12 nation agreement is a complete joke.

                        If anything I think the conservatives would have preferred to have this done last winter so it could be passed prior to the election.


                          Riders, maybe give Syria a try.


                            Quite a co incidence. Wasn t it maybe Steve the liar king did t know there was an election going on just like he didn't know he ordered all those losers to shut Duffy up after he likely ordered Duffy to take the fall but wouldn't.

                            Who were the last countries to make concessions?

                            What tarriffs did we have on grain and livestock coming in or have against us going out?

                            Did you extreme right nutballs read my posts prior? Maybe need translations when you hear the truth. Oh lord we pray for the reform that are so mentally challenged.


                              I agree with wm,I bet there was a whole lot more going on behind those doors currency,debts,wars no shortage of things to talk about.


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