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Useless Rain again!

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    Useless Rain again!

    Great dried nice for a few days then this morning out of nothing rain and lightning and thunder out of nothing. Picking up as it goes north! 1/4 inch but wet again!
    Bring on the drought! Dry for the 10 years.

    Finished up Oct 2, had close to an inch over the wk end one more inch before freeze up would be great. Come on SF3 my farm not much different in size than yours, pick up the pace!!! Lol
    Must be those JD combines, weather looks good,get er done.


      Every storm got us so far plus funeral thrown in. Shit luck I don't know!
      I'm back on I want a drought!


        Most eastern areas are wet..so we don't need any snow flakes, or it will be a mud bowl next spring..


          I'll second that... BRING ON DROUGHT 2016 Please!!
          5 inches of rain is half an inch to much for the 2016 growing season as long as it comes at the right time.


            We are at 17 inches now, and we are in the driest small area between Rose Valley and Fosston..All sides of us are wetter...


              Has it always been this way for you guys?

              The insanity.....

              I'm calling for rain and you guys don't want any. Not even for the 2016 growing season?

              I saw on radar that 'development" around Fort Qu'appelle and towards Yorkton and thought, YIKES this will piss off SF3, and rightly so.


                Funny was working in the shop and said that sounded like thunder but it was only cloudy and cold. Must be the Quonset doors banging from the wind. Then it did it again went outside and wtf.
                Looked on radar and holy wtf.
                All good drying went in one new rain event.


                  It rained enough here to chase me off the hoe. That's too much.


                    Texted the neighbor to ask if he was banging on bins, or if I was hearing thunder to the south. Yup, it was thundering most of the late morning and afternoon. Plus about 6, but thundering. Bit of rain, not bad, but yesterday the standing wheat was 21%.


                      yes farms , it's always like that here in the NE . we are always fighting to much water . we have lost more crops because of water than anything else . we have a rotary ditcher , pull type grader and sc****r and use them every year . just a fact of life here . when we get the odd dry year we can't believe how easy farming is ! good thing it doesn't happen often or we'd probably try to farm more land , lol.


                        So true caseih. Farming 10000 in east or ne Sask is like 20000 in swift.


                          So true caseih. Farming 10000 in east or ne Sask is like 20000 in swift.


                            That transition is here within a 60 mile stretch .
                            Right locally here , your comparison, which is spot on, puts this area at about 15,000 in comparison to you guys.
                            Some are bigger and do very well, some are a complete gong show every year.
                            Some are much smaller and do very well.
                            At the end of the day - generally we are not as handcuffed by fall weather but can be about 50% of the time the guys out east are but usually not as severe conditions .
                            Saying that , there are guys with 1000's of AC to go yet in this area . The majority are done or will be within a few days if weather holds .


                              Management is a huge factor - some don't agree and blame 100% weather .
                              Case in point - there is a 15000 AC farm done here and anouther that is just half done - it's purely management as both farms had relatively the same weather .


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