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World Map of Debt

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    World Map of Debt

    World Map of Debt, thanks Errol!

    <div style="clear:both">[URL=http://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-world-map-of-debt/]tp://www.visualcapitalist.com]Visual Capitalist[/URL]</div>

    It wasn't all that many years ago... Canada [87]was much higher than the USA[103]. How Things have changed! Our Banks in Canada are now considered the most stable globally!


      History not news. It likely that if updated today commodity dependent economies like Canada and Russia would move up the scale. One would assume that interest rates should have gone up signalling that it was time to reduce debt as debt levels rose, rather foolish governments and central banks created a powder keg. When is it going off?


        It is interesting how the trillions of QE fit into this picture. China, Japan, US, EU... have all created trillions in Currency... we need a QE map!

        What happens to this part of the economic system?

        Can the barn door be closed after the horse is long gone... and where does the horse[QE monetization] end up?


          Tom: QE results in higher national debt so it is already included in this chart. One of the reasons the US debt to GDP ratio exceeds Canada now.



            You can't read or open links, errolanderson started the same thread three lines below. I guess you had to put your own spin on it, and mark your own territory!!!


              Agree. Making it a little more convenient. He even thanked Errol at the beginning of the post.


                And I was ten years before Errol so........who gives a shit just wake up.


                  Thanx Tom, actually I couldn't open the link and I do appreciate. Look at Australia, they may be down under but they are heads above us.


                    Japanese are worse off than Greece?



                      Any bets on where this will be in 4 years depending upon the outcome of the Federal election?


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