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TPP and Supply Managed Agriculture... Agriweek

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    TPP and Supply Managed Agriculture... Agriweek

    If you ask me . . .
    B A C K G R O U N D E R / Morris W. Dorosh

    "Dairy Farmers of Canada, the national milk board, should have congratulated the federal government and expressed its most heartfelt thanks for the Herculean effort that Canadian trade negotiators made to protect supply management interests at the Trans Pacific Partnership, and also for the unbelievable windfall of government compensation for losses that are highly unlikely to occur. Instead it complained that the milk displaced by imports will not be produced in Canada, with “perpetual lost revenue”. New subsidy schemes so lavish as to be outlandish have merely “lessened the burden.”
    Chicken Farmers of Canada was “disappointed” with the 2% additional access to the Canadian market for foreign poultry. In a distortion clever enough to have come from Moscow, it said Canada will be required to increase its mar- ket access for chicken by 28%, “a heavy hit”. In fact it is being exposed to imports, over a period of five years, equal to about 30 hours of chicken production annually. Even with extortionist pricing that retards consumption, natural market growth will completely subordinate that amount.
    When the Crow benefit was cancelled by Goodale and the Chrentienistes in 1996, 240,000 western Canadian grain farmers and land owners were given $1.2 billion, between $7 and $33 per acre, in dribs and drabs, for the permanent loss of a grain freight subsidy worth $600 million a year. If it were today, in current dollars it would be around $1.8 billion. Since farms and land holdings have become larger, perhaps 150,000 recipients would qualify, receiving an average of maybe $12,000 each for all time. The Harper government has committed to giving a typical dairy farmer about $11,000 a year for 10 years, an average chicken producer $5,600 a year, a turkey farmer $5,900 and an egg pro- ducer $4,800. These are subsidies in addition to the monopoly privileges granted by a system that allows producer- run marketing boards to systematically undersupply the domestic market and routinely overcharge it. It is entirely within the practical authority of marketing boards to reduce production and increase prices over time to completely erase any price or profit consequence from the tiny increase in imports and this is exactly what they will do.
    Supply management producers will be ‘compensated’ under three different programs. The $2.4-billion Income Guarantee Program is meant to make up income lost to dairy and poultry imports for 10 years after the trade agree- ment takes effect and on a reduced basis for a further five years. A $1.5-billion Quota Value Guarantee Program will make up any erosion in marketing board quota value attributable to imports. A Processor Modernization Program funded at $450 million will assist processors of supply-managed foods with upgrading of plants and facilities. A $15- million Market Development Initiative will assist supply-managed groups in promotion and marketing; price-setting formulas for milk, eggs and chicken already include a provision for marketing and market development costs and the boards have not been short of money for these purposes, with plenty left over for political activism.
    No one will ever notice any benefit to Canadian consumers from this inconsequential import competition. Even if 3.25% of milk and 2% of chicken came onto the market completely free of charge the effect on prices would not be measurable. In reality imports might be 10% cheaper than domestic production, because exporters to Canada will have no incentive to slash prices if there is no opportunity to increase volume. A 10% discount on 3.25% of supply is one-third of 1%. Furthermore, duty-free imports will be distributed to dairy companies already processing and selling products from domestic supply-managed milk. There is no obligation or requirement that any saving in raw material cost is to be passed down in lower selling prices. It is certain that there will be no break for shoppers in Quebec, Manitoba or Nova Scotia; retail milk prices there are subject to government-set minimums, another part of this bizarre conspiracy to enrich multi-millionaire supply management farmers at the expense of poverty-line consumers.
    The supply management system obviously dramatically increases farm income and prosperity, but because it cannot be extended across all Canadian agricultural production it creates a hyper-privileged class of farmers while all others struggle with the vagaries of the marketplace. Supply management is a variation on the theme of trade unionism with the difference that there is no one bargaining on the other side.
    The Harper government is the friendliest to free market principles that Canada can expect for the next generation, if not lifetime. It has just capitulated to a tiny, noisy cohort, breaking every known free market principle and some here- tofore unknown, only to be repaid by sneers, derision and misrepresentation."

    Lol,you do realize you just posted an anti conservative speech,good for you i need more friends who hate both sides and see the utter nonsense and hypocrisy.


      Since Tom Mulcair isn't going to implement TPP the crafty SM has nothing to worry about.

      People are ready for change for change sake just like you poor folk (or at least soon to be) in AB.


        What a joke. The market demand in canada will grow enough to offset those tiny amounts all they will have to do is stop issuing quota new quota for a few years.


          I was just recently told the trade agreement with China in 2014 was rushed for a photo op.This agreement gives China the right to veto any municipal or provincial restrictions on investment in Canada.So if 85% of farmers in Sask do not want foreign investors buying farms sounds like the provincial government can not do anything about it because of Harper.


            if the changes are so inconsequential.
            why did they bother?

            if your saying it is only 2%- 3.25% market access .

            the EU farmer is not going to benefit
            anything from being able to dump a little into canada.

            so why did they do it , it is not about subsided EU cheese.coming in .

            it is not about giving consumers a break. apparently by what your guy said. and he sounds pretty Conservative.

            the reason is quite clear .
            it is about a transfer of power .
            the market power to the conglomerates
            . and get the taxpayer to fund it.
            Conservative reverse socialism for the top 1 %

            according to conservatives farmers
            have no business setting prices and controlling markets.

            just can not allow it.

            that is the realm of big business only. every law they have passed does exactly that.

            it is about who owns the Harper govt.
            and in every case Harper has delivered the goods. whether it is seeds,chemical , rail roads, research.generic drugs, on and on and on.

            Canadians should wake up and look at
            who Harper really works for.


              Do not expect a Liberal led government to be much different on trade than the present one.
              Trade is more important to Canada than to most other countries, unions and socialists might have to reconsider if faced with reality of power.


                Ya why not wake up and see nothing will change no matter what.


                  PM Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada; have a policy to protect Supply Management Agriculture.

                  I can NOT condemn this policy... because I too voted to be fair to this segment of SM5Agriculture... SO our people DID stay true to this policy; to be fair to farmers who are a part of Supply Managed Agriculture.

                  Now we are attacked for this. Living up to our word... and keeping our word.

                  There is NO way to keep everyone happy.


                    We all know that in negotiations for any deals there is give and take on all parties involved.
                    We have seen what has happened in one sector of Ag at a cost to not only them but also and maybe more important, to the voting public, but what is the rest of the story.
                    I may have to commend Harper for his negotiating skills but I'm "just not ready" to do that until he opens up the trade deal for all to see. I do commend Trudeau for taking the same stance as the majority of people, as me, and reserve judgement until Harper makes it public.

                    So far as I see it the majority of people are going to be the losers on Oct 19th. There will be more people vote against who ever gets in than who vote for them.


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