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TPP and Supply Managed Agriculture... Agriweek

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    Tom thank you for starting my day with a laugh
    The conservatives are committed to supply management.
    I would believe you if your talking seeds chemical or generic drugs
    The folks that buy our canola could give a rats behind about our chicken and hardly know what milk or cheese are.
    US big ag wants control of that sector and your job as a conservative is to hand it to them.
    While I think supply management has got out of hand
    Using billions in taxpayers money to fund your plan is just so conservative and so wrong
    Again Tom a supporter of supply management for farmers
    Now that is funny


      Why is Harper willing to give $4.5 billion to dairy and poultry farmers for allowing 2-3.5% foreign market but actually gives away 100% of western Canadian wheat farmers marketing agency (CWB)to foreign interests and offers $0 compensation to western farmers? We don't even get compensated for the transporation snfu caused by the poor planning of the removal of the CWB.

      But that is okay. The Cons know western farmers will vote Conservative regardless and the Cons do not even have to offer or even answer for such blatant vote buying as they demonstrated with the supply managed sector.


        Tom if you want to hand over this gift so bad , then why not take the political consequences, and do it with out compensation.
        instead of double whamming Cdn.s
        with high prices and billions in taxes.

        if as a conservative you believe the windfall is better in the hands of
        US ag corporations . than farmers scattered across the nation.
        that is fine
        but getting the taxpayer to foot the bill is just low


          In days of old , Governments like this were Guillotined.
          Too bad we're such an apathetic bunch now


            dmlfarmer, in what alternate universe did peoPle get the idea that farmers owned or had any equity (other than the Contingency Fund) in the CWB? It was started by gov't, served at the pleasure of Parliament, had payment guarantee from gov't, it was a government scheme. Even the mixed enterprise it became was still gov't controlled.

            You're barking up the wrong tree and it's loaded with dead branches.


              Here we go again...

              How many years did the Government actually have to dip into taxpayer coffers to offset the "overly aggressive" setting of the usually dismal initial price? Sarcasm fully intended.

              I guess the whole thing must have been run like Crop Insurance. Call it what it was then, a subsidy, if you think it wasn't self sustaining... Sarcasm fully intented.

              And no, I'm not yearning for it to be reinstated back in it's old form... No sarcasm...


                And you don't think quota is a government backed scheme? Equity does not have to be a physical asset. It could be permission to produce a product which is all that quota is. Just because farmers bid up the value, why should taxpayers compensate them for that inflated value anymore than what quota was originally worth?

                For all its faults, the CWB did provide value to western farmers through coordination of transportation and for some protection for farmers from gouging by rail and grain companies. It also found and built overseas markets for Canadian grain. Disagree? Review all the posts since 2012 and see how many are complaints about inflated basis, transportation issues, demurrage, lack of transparency, loss of international markets etc.

                This is real value which western Canadian farmers lost when it was given away.

                I just find it amazing that the government can bail out the auto sector, banks, and supply management but western farmers are so polarized over the CWB they cannot even see the value and goodwill it provided in spite of its faults. And some like you Braveheart even will even argue publically that it had no value at all.

                I trust you will not complain when the dairy or poultry producer down the road someday out bids you or your son for land would like to buy because he is being supported by the taxpayer to the tune of thousands of dollars a year for a "perceived" (but likely unproven) loss of value of his quota and market share (non physical assets).

                No, you just hold you head up proudly and tell your son that dairy or poultry farmers earned the right to outbid him for the land because they fought for the value of their marketing system but you fought against any compensation when the government got rid of grain farmers marketing agency.


                  Not only did the CWB not provide value, it took value away. Grain cos charge the max tariffs under the single desk. Want to see high basis levels? Thats right. They under the single desk, everyday.

                  Quota is a capital item. The gov't only creates the framework for the subsidy equivalent price received. The TPP "might" have changed the monetary value of quota so compensation deemed necessary. But really, over 10 years it amounts to diddly squat.



                    "Grain cos charge the max tariffs under the single desk. Want to see high basis levels?"

                    Please provide some numbers to justify your statement. You saying those basis levels of winter of 2014 weren't high!!


                      Forage, 2014 basis levels that were high just told me to store the grain or look elsewhere. I looked south, because without the single desk I could.


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