Tom thank you for starting my day with a laugh
The conservatives are committed to supply management.
I would believe you if your talking seeds chemical or generic drugs
The folks that buy our canola could give a rats behind about our chicken and hardly know what milk or cheese are.
US big ag wants control of that sector and your job as a conservative is to hand it to them.
While I think supply management has got out of hand
Using billions in taxpayers money to fund your plan is just so conservative and so wrong
Again Tom a supporter of supply management for farmers
Now that is funny
The conservatives are committed to supply management.
I would believe you if your talking seeds chemical or generic drugs
The folks that buy our canola could give a rats behind about our chicken and hardly know what milk or cheese are.
US big ag wants control of that sector and your job as a conservative is to hand it to them.
While I think supply management has got out of hand
Using billions in taxpayers money to fund your plan is just so conservative and so wrong
Again Tom a supporter of supply management for farmers
Now that is funny