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15mmt Canola new estimate for 2015...

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    15mmt Canola new estimate for 2015...

    DTN Canada Markets

    Cliff Jamieson Canadian Grains Analyst

    Tuesday 10/13/15 Provincial Yield Estimates Support a Larger Prairie Crop

    Provincial yield estimates released by both Alberta Agriculture and Saskatchewan Agriculture continue to show improving crop yield estimates in the western Prairies as the harvest advances. Estimates were released in Saskatchewan as of October 5 with 84% of the crop harvested while Alberta Agriculture released updated data as of Oct. 6 with 72% of the crop in the bin.

    Last week's crop reports from Saskatchewan and Alberta show improving crop yields when compared to earlier provincial estimates. This chart shows the change in prairie production from official Statistics Canada projections when combining Saskatchewan and Alberta yield estimates along with Statistics Canada's harvested acreage estimates. Given this scenario, canola production could be close to one million metric tons higher than current official estimates. (DTN graphic by Nick Scalise)
    While provincial yield estimates in Saskatchewan for the selected crops have improved between September 7 and Oct. 5, Alberta estimates have improved from Sept. 8 to Sept. 22 and then again as of Oct. 6 data.

    The attached chart shows the difference in production estimates utilizing Statistics Canada harvested acre projections while updating yields with Alberta and Saskatchewan provincial estimates and leaving Manitoba yields static.

    Given this scenario, the largest swing in production would be seen in canola, with a boost of 949,152 metric tons. This is due to a Saskatchewan provincial estimate of 34 bushels per acre, which is 3 bpa higher than Statistics Canada's official estimate, while Alberta's provincial estimate is 1.8 bpa higher than the 32 bpa estimate seen in Statistics Canada's official estimates. This scenario would suggest production exceeding 15 million metric tons as compared to the 14.3 mmt estimate released by Statistics Canada on October 2.

    Also indicated on the attached chart of selected grains is spring wheat, with Saskatchewan and Alberta yield estimates suggesting spring wheat production estimates released by Statistics Canada could be overstated by close to 400,000 metric tons.

    Saskatchewan government data suggests that average wheat yields could be slightly higher than the 37.1 bpa reported by Statistics Canada, given the 37 bpa average reported by Saskatchewan Agriculture for hard red spring wheat and the 41 bpa average reported for other wheat. This was calculated using the 2014 split in acreage between hard red spring and other spring varieties such as Canada Prairie Spring and Soft White Spring. The spring wheat crop in Alberta, on the other hand, is estimated to average 39.7 bpa by Alberta Agriculture in its recent report, higher than previous Alberta reports but 3.3 bpa below the 43 bpa yield estimate reported by Statistics Canada.

    As indicated on the chart, oat production, dry pea production and durum production could be revised higher, given Alberta and Saskatchewan provincial yield estimates exceeding Statistics Canada estimates. Adjusting for provincial barley yield estimates in Saskatchewan and Alberta would see production remain steady with current Statistics Canada estimates, with the chance of a better than expected yield in Saskatchewan off-set with a poorer-than-expected crop harvested in Alberta.

    DTN 360 Poll

    Will the quality of your 2015 crop pose marketing challenges this crop year? You can weigh in on DTN's 360 Poll which is found on the lower right of your Home Page.

    Cliff Jamieson can be reached at cliff.jamieson@dtn.com

    Follow Cliff Jamieson on Twitter @CliffJamieson

    Some AB canola will have high green seed count and will not be food grade. There is still standing canola because of that and it shelled pretty good on the weekend so canola crop estimates will not need to go higher any more.



      It may be a localized issue in your area... the green has come out better than I had imagined possible in our area. Three inches of rain in Sept has done wonders here for that. This last 1/3 to 1/2 inch on the weekend is nicely bringing around the last 99 percent of problem canola not off our area fields yet. We got about the first half of our Canola off last weekend... it just slid through and machines would harvest 1000bu/hr! Have never seen easier thrashing! Zero green.


        Sunshine and lollipops.


          Rainbows and puppy dogs.


            so where is the "canola surge " that was predicted ? lol, all points crying for spot canola yet


              I see Canola is bound in its range... Nov went to $481, then closed at $476.1.

              Canadian Dollar up... DTN Closing comments:

              Howard Leaman Oct 14/15

              Canola - Canola traded on both sides of unchanged on Wednesday, ending
              lower. The market showed some early strength due to spillover buying from
              soy oil, solid commercial demand for canola and lighter than expected
              farmer selling of canola.

              The buying in canola subsided, however, and prices ended on the minus
              side. Weakness in soybeans, soy meal and palm oil, a mixed tone in European
              ****seed and strength in the Canadian dollar weighed on canola. The
              Canadian dollar gained about half of a cent against the U.S. dollar on

              Grains - Traders were reluctant to trade milling wheat, durum, barley,
              and Western Barley futures on Wednesday.

              Resistance Support
              Jan Canola 487.30 469.90
              Mch Canola 489.10 472.40


                Tom you must have pretty small combines... Our 470R averaged 780bu/hr through harvest straight cutting 36 feet. LOL.

                Happy Birthday! God Bless!


                  Thx Klause!

                  Does this mean you are done Harvest Klause?


                    I see you have a little left on the other thread. All the best finishing up!

                    Hope we can get our flax to go next week... still no good killing frost yet!


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