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Another accident

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    This in the comment section:

    "exPFC Wintergreen
    Just terrible.

    Farming is the most dangerous profession in Canada -Alberta is the ONLY province which does not have Work-Safe protections and regulations!

    11 hours ago

    We can tell where this is headed. Thousands get run over in towns and cities and what do we do? REGULATE all ALBERTA farms. They need more rules and regulations. I am just a stupid farmer... who can't market grain... or look after the most precious lives we are here to protect. Totally helpless and innocent.

    And how many helpless and innocent babies... do we abort each year in North America???

    God have mercy on us.


      Tom are you really trying to start some political BS in this thread? You have reached a new low, disgusting.



        This is very political... I did not mention any political party whatsoever. Are you?

        Rules don't protect people in split second accidents... no matter where they happen.

        Are you going to say NO CHILDREN allowed on farms?

        That would be the only way to stop this kind of accident. AND this happened to Adults too.

        It is VERY sad when people die.

        People shouldn't use drugs, booze, abuse family abort babies... or blow each other up. All are political issues... RIGHT.


          From the same discussion:

          Tom Aaron
          I had a 6 year old cousin die from similar circumstances on our farm. It was a pile of sand we were digging in. It collapsed and suffocated him. All this on a warm Sunday afternoon while our mothers were just a few feet away completely unaware. Although over 50 years have passed, the most tragic collective memory we have.

          Be safe.


            I find it ironic that when at trade shows etc kids are encouraged to play in canola. Big tubs set out complete with toys.
            But when they are offered seed sample to take hime to grow and learn about agriculture and actual crp reproduction, the seed companies stop them.

            My thoghts are with everyone in this and other tragic cases.
            Lord know "But for the grace of God, there goes I"


              I'm a proponent of the 10,000 hour rule, meaning to be proficient at something you need 10,000 hours of experience/practice. That means young people planning to farm need to start young. With that MUST be safety, not just for the protection of everyone but as part of the training.

              The worst thing the Alberta Government can do is react the wrong way. Banning kids under a certain age from being around farm machinery will ultimately have the opposite effect from a safe environment.


                Agree Braveheart.

                Another comment:

                This happened to someone I know, His toddler son was playing in the grain on the truck, while it was unloading through the belly-dump. He saw him disappear under the grain, and he had the battle of his life to pull him out against the massive suction. By the time he got him out he had turned blue, but thankfully he made a full recovery. Close call.

                1 hour ago 3 Likes

                Accidents from backing over little ones happen daily in town more than on the farm. Sadly this is NOT about regulations. This is about a state of mind... that determines risk second by second... which education as Braveheart states well saves lives. In city Traffic. Driving vehicles. Bikes, Horses, ATV's Snowmobiles. Making new regulations will help? I doubt it.

                Laws seldom save lives... just ask the live birth baby that got cut up for body parts.


                  I pound safety into my kids skulls like a hammer. My nine and eleven year olds made their first passes alone in the combine this year i jumped off and said your on your own just like what happened to me and every other farm kid. Almost made me want to try farming again. City people just dont get it. Some of the comments i seen made me angry like mr Hyde angry.



                    Three young, loved daughters have died tragically and you bring in politics using your favorite line LEFTY.

                    You have proved your a classless person without a doubt!!!!!


                      Forage, you could have just let it go, but you added to it with another of your nitpicking comments.


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