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Trudeau...asking Canadians for a majority government

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    no Harper majority, please.
    60% OF THE POPULATION did not want this
    corporate puppet in the first place.
    selling the people and country out at every turn.


      Best polling numbers I have seen have Trudeau at 39% that means 61% percent do not want Trudeau. It amazes me that so many people believe a 42 year old that has never run a business can run a country. As for Harper resigning, if your the CEO of a company and you fail to deliver you are either fired or you resign.


        How old was Brad Wall when he took office?


          Harper said several months ago this will be the last time he is leader of the party for an election.....win or lose. I don't think this means he will resign as a politician since he will still have another term.

          None of the polls showed the Conservatives getting a majority in 2011 so it should be an interesting election.


            ...and to think the PM is running the show by themselves is delusional as well. I can't imagine what goes on behind closed doors and whose interests get promoted. Actually if you look at the last 8 years it was obvious.

            PM equals Puppet not Puppeteer.


              Well at least Trudeau was a teacher, Harper worked in the mailroom of Imperial Oil as his ONLY job


                I call your bluff Mus...

                PM Harper was the CEO of the National Citizens Coalition... and did a great Job there. I met PM Harper first when he held that position. Was a refreshing treat to meet a down to earth guy... that understood farmers problems!


                  Harper knows how to quietly strip wealth from hard working cdn.s and deliver it to the top 1% ( which own 1/2 of everything in the world now)

                  make laws that farmers will never own a
                  seed, but have rent them from the 1%.

                  bar generic drugs so older folks have to hand over their lifetime savings to the 1%

                  kill public research so that advances only enrich the top 1% and not the people as a whole.

                  Harper works for the 1%
                  and whether we believe it or not, the
                  rest of us are the peons.


                    Well guys , I know one thing is certain ....... If we let Justin Trudeau get in as our next PM, this great country of ours will be in one hell of a sorry state of affairs. His Old man , the late great P.E.T. was the prick who was behind the National Energy program. Does anybody remember how the west got screwed out of transfer payments down east? He also was the one who told the west to kiss his ass. Do we want that stupid kid of his to run this country? By the way , the glorius NDP is not your best option either, and you folks in Alberta are going to find that out the hard way.Harper did, and has not done everything right , but he's a better option than those other two dipshits. Vote with your brain next monday , not the way your Dad, and Granddad, and Great Granddad did!


                      Voters that consider themselves Liberal do vote for differ parties because they can think open minded and are in the middle so some shift either way.Obama or Kennedy were not much different in age than Trudeau.To say he is to young is down playing the ability of 26 years of voters younger than he is.


                        Brad Wall was born November 24 (which is also Sumdumguy's birthday) in 1965 and was elected in Saskatchewan in 1999, making him close to a ripe age of 34 years, just in case that matters.


                          Galaxie have you done anything yourself to build your farm or was it all the work of your father? Are we to judge you on your father's or on your own actions?

                          I find it amazing so many people will not even consider Trudeau because of who his father was. Justin Trudeau was just 13 years old when his father lost as Prime Minister. And it has been 15 years since Trudeau senior died. How long does it take until you can be judged on your own merits and faults rather than those of your father?

                          As far as the National Energy Program, there were two signatures on that policy. Why is Trudeau hated in the west for it yet the second signer, Peter Lougheed, is considered one of the best premiers Alberta ever had?


                            What's the difference between equalization or calling it a National energy program? Other than the conservatives having already implemented one.


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