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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

    Well mother nature has not been to nice the last week as again we finally got going on Saturday afternoon and then Sunday till we were rained out. Basically a 1/2 inch again. Total for the last two weeks is another 2 inches. Basically were playing in the mud.
    Its a easy report since Manitoba yesterday announced that they were all wrapped up in that province. I guess the guys that had to reseed don't mean anything.
    This is the reason I do the crop report because of idiots in cities that cant do their job and tell whats going on.
    So here it is.
    Area that was wet all year from spring to fall hasn't changed. If you were dry in the beginning and rain came after your probably done. But for those of us fighting to get this crop off its been a battle. We did get to 67% and talking to a few other bigger guys another week and it will be close to done. Weather looks good after today.
    HRS is all done and farmers are working land, applying Anhydrous and harrowing.
    Barley done similar.
    Oats is crop still out. standing fairly decent and should go in day or two.
    Flax the wind did do a job on both swaths and standing. Standing has balls on ground. percentage is about 3 to 5% gone.
    Canola is crop that is out. Strait did finally get to dry yesterday but most did their strait earlier. So maybe its a crop to leave till later. Swath was 11.5 to 11.8 at 5. We will be going today and drying. If their is wind by tonight it should be dry. Problem if swaths are thick the bottom is wet. If its a thin swath it would be dry and ready to go. Good yields continue in our area.
    Soy is coming off as its a crop you can harvest on days that Canola isn't ready. Yields are good. Out of our time growing the crop again a wet august gives you great yield. No frost. But out of the five it is 2 I have to grow more. 2 Never growing soy again and 1 next year it could be better.
    For the cattle guys pastures are great and bales are being hauled.
    So flax burning is taking place along with making fields black. Our peas that were off in August regrew and were worked down again as green manure. So far a 1000 acres are worked total. Spraying is taking place but getting close to park the sprayer.
    Another month would be perfect to get all the things done that need to be done.
    So be safe out their and remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop. Also keep the ones at home safe around the farm please.
    Have a great week.

    Always find your reports interesting, keep them up.
    See reports of blackened fields and wonder what others see in their areas. Few whole fields done that I have seen but lots of margins and low areas where ground was wet. Lots of heavy harrowing.


      90% done today. Bit of oats and beans left. Last tank getting sprayed this afternoon then time to wash and winterize the sprayer. Got Got a kelly harrow booked and eking a bunch of sloughs. Have 350 acres of straw to bale yet too


        Klause , I have a question for you.
        I was going to spread dry sulfur on the pea stubble and work it in with the gates coulter harrow , but... After talking to a local retailer he suggested why not spray liquid sulfur on with round up ahead then work it in .
        I was told many guys are doing this , no water , just 8-12 gal sulfur depending on what rate you want and add 3/4 to 1 LT/AC round up for fall burn off . It would be faster and have full sectional control for the fert .. What you think ?
        Just trying to split out some extra work load at seeding .


          Just planning on doing ahead of where we are seeding canola , maybe some peas .


            33% done. Can't get a break. Breakdown after breakdown. Thankful the forecast has held so far, but getting quite scared.

            Good news is wheat is dry at least. I think I may buy a cheap emergency combine for next year. No one wants 2188's any more, so they are getting pretty darn cheap.


              Furrow we did that on 80 acres because we had liquid S left over.

              Two things we found.... one is since S is Denser than water you need to recalibrate the flow meter or at least we had to.

              2nd I don't know how good a kill you get because the sulphur burns the field brown pretty quick.

              We did 10 gal an acre on the 80 acres plus 400g/acre of RT540 glyphosate.


                K thanks for the heads up. I thought you had mentioned you tried it


                  Done our fall fert. today..Going to pick up our spring Phos. and roundup tomorrow...Ordered our canola seed today too..Neighbors still combining canola..Lots of fall N going on..Both dry and Gas...Soil here is wet...no need to catch snow for spring...


                    Freewheat, I have a CIH 1688. It is a strong runner. The 2188's went to more electric over hydraulic BS. I ass ume a 1688 would be less expensive than a 2188.
                    To each their own.
                    My old machinist welder retred and closed shop. He had over 45 years of repair experience. His opinion was you never saw the CIH 1688 and JD9600 in for repairs. when those companies went to newer models there was some major welding and updating on them. He also owned Gleaners and thought they were the best combine ever built.


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