If Trudeau gets in, I sure hope no lefty's complain when the carbon tax comes in and gas goes above the $2/liter mark, or when corporations close up shop and move headquarters elsewhere because the corporate rate is uncompetitive. But who needs them, right?; corporations are evil and don't do anything but create jobs - who needs those? If financially insecure/socialist people are going to financially bankrupt this country and the next generation, I sure hope there is a good show to go along with it.
Definitely miss Harper if it goes that way. I have never been more financially secure or happy in my life. Success is out there today for those that seek it. Problem is, majority of people don't think that way and think they deserve it all without breaking a sweat.
Definitely miss Harper if it goes that way. I have never been more financially secure or happy in my life. Success is out there today for those that seek it. Problem is, majority of people don't think that way and think they deserve it all without breaking a sweat.