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Lets guess the outcome Tomorrow!

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    My gambling addiction is satisfied by farming. Makes Vegas look like child's play.

    Rider fans are happy this weekend, Riders didn't lose this weekend!

    Now get back on track!!!


      Haha, i was looking at the weekend scores. yep your right the riders didn't lose! Tricky!


        To close to call but:

        If Justin becomes PM tomorrow, Harper's worst nightmare has become a reality. The gnawing in the back of his head will cause a long lasting headache!!!!


          If Justin gets anywhere tomorow it wont be deja vu all over again. Itll be bob and dougs excellent adventure.


            Justin on guns. I quote.

            "I have nothing in common with gun owners. We will never see eye to eye, and I admit, I don't know anything about the gun laws, but I know we need more laws to keep the public safe from criminals and if that means taking the guns away from law abiding citizens then that's what needs to be done in the interest of public safety. I have faith that criminals will do the right thing and turn in their weapons when Canadians are disarmed as guns are not needed in Canada. Hunters can start getting their meat at grocery stores."

            Quite a bit like Hitler's ideology, no?

            What can I say? Who in their right mind could even think of voting for this idiot? Seriously?
            Coddle a muslim, yet steal 7 million guns from Canadians to "disarm Canadians".


              A Liberal vote is not a vote for change but for even more of the same: even bigger government with more and more spending. The election of the NDP here in AB was for even more of the same big government and more spending. Everyone wants a handout. Canada is doomed either way the vote goes tomorrow. (unfunded public sector pension liabilities combined with the guargantuan debts of Ontario and Quebec get that done) Harper is the best of a bad lot.


                Wow......talk about an idiot.

                "I have faith that criminals will do the right thing and turn in their weapons when Canadians are disarmed as guns are not needed in Canada."



                  In this election, will people be voting for a hand out or a hand in their pocket?

                  In Western Canadian Ag we can't seem to win. Vote left and you have Government hands in your pocket redistributing your wealth. Vote right and you have Corporate Canada's hand in your pocket. No win.... sold out by the Cons or be a tax source for the other two major parties.

                  I detest parasites, both business and social!


                    Harper minority,

                    CPC - 144

                    LPC - 135

                    NDP - 49

                    BLK - 9

                    GRN - 1



                      Re Justin on guns

                      When was this quote and where was it made?
                      Please provide source of quote.


                        I think harper was trudeau's best campaigner.

                        He basically handed it to trudeau right from the beginning.


                          Perfecto for an answer to your belief that government debt can be good look at Ontario. Over 300 billion of government debt. Would you say that Ontario has the best youth employment rate? The cheapest electricity? The lowest taxes? The best infrastructure? Many industries have left Ontario because the cost of doing business is to high. Kathleen Wynn is knee deep in the federal campaign, this is reason enough not to vote liberal. More government and more debt just equals higher taxes.


                            Harper told every young person under the age of 45 they aren't ready.

                            Little ****ing wonder people are living in their parents basements.

                            Those are the kinds of things arrogance forgets.

                            Don't put trudeau in that ad. Put anyone his age in it.

                            Your hitting a big demographic that can think. And change things.

                            Not trudeau but many others.


                              Ham, thought I responded with a good post last night,,,but its not there. Not sure if it was the wine or...?
                              I can't speak about Ontario, haven't followed, but have been involved with Alberta for a long time. Some of the reason we are so far behind now, is because taxes were dropped to make it the most "attractive place to do business"..and now we have a major debt to get out of. The oil companies would have still come, the business's would still have come because there was money to be made. Now that oil is toast, they shut 'er down and leave, but we still have the debt.
                              Taxes have shifted from Corps to middle class and both major parties have been involved in this movement...

                              “Despite record profits, corporations provide just 13.6 per cent of the federal government’s revenues in corporate income taxes. That’s a third less than the over 20 per cent share they provided during the ‘Golden Age of Capitalism’ from 1946 to 1970.”


                                Perfecto also as a lifetime Albertan I am curious do you think raising corporate taxes, possibly raising royalties, and increasing carbon taxes while backing away from supporting pipeline construction is the way to revive the oil patch and increase employment in Alberta?


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