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Lets guess the outcome Tomorrow!

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    I Posted last night on the New political world we have punching us in the guts.

    Obama got elected TWICE.

    If the USA does this... where is Canada headed???

    Alberta elected a ND gov... WITH a MAJORITY.

    Ontario and Winny prove there has been a massive shift in Canada as well as the USA.

    I don't think most folks get it!!!

    I could be wrong... but scaring people with 'Fiscal Responsibility' guilt trips... Didn't work in Alberta... why SHOULD it work in the Federal Canadian Election?

    QE monétisation has warped peoples minds... especially those millennial folks who did not see WW2 or the Depression before it.

    The shift has been radical since 2009... building to a fervour in the last couple of years!

    Gov can fix anything by waving a wand and zapping it with QE.

    Wow what a warped world! And we expect a logical responsible rational economic based result from this set of conditions???

    And I could be wrong. Miracles can happen. But don't hold your breath... if you don't want to turn Blue for lack of Air!!!


      Liberal majority and by a lot.


        If your not on social media it is going bananas so the turn out may be quite high can't imagine that being good for the conservatives in eastern canada


          Look what happened in Britain. They were so wrong it wan not funny. Social media was WRONG.


            Funny libertarian slogan has come out"i want gay married couples to own guns to protect their pot plants."


              freewheat, I will ask again

              Where and when did Trudeau make the statement on guns which you quote. Could you please provide the source of the quote you posted!


                Hamloc...the recovery in Alberta has all to do with world oil prices, that is pretty straight forward. And maybe in the mean time, wages and prices will get back to some sort of reality check.

                The corp rate tax, min wage was what the ND's won on, so they followed through an election promise ...refreshing isn't it?
                Royalty review, also a promise, but think this is the best time to do it... if/when oil prices recover, everyone knows the rules. It is being done in a very professional way...Albertan's have the updates available to them, have opportunity for input, quite impressed actually. This should have been done long ago, Alberta did not get it's fair share and even when Stelmac tried, it showed how much Corporate power is/was in control.
                Pipelines...this goes back to Ralph's time, when production and distribution should have been balanced, but a lot of money was thrown at the tar sands and the supply outgrew the transportation model....something like grain. I admit, I don't know enough about the current proposals, but like the idea of Energy East, let Canadians process it, keep the jobs here.
                Interestingly enough, most MLA's wanted to raise the corp rate during the Redford reign...she wouldn't let them.
                And I am not really an ND supporter, but so far I like what they have done...now that may change come the budget, time will tell.


                  The last stage before defeat of the CWB was the boogie man will get you after.《a statement to get people to fear of the unknown》As Brent Butt said about the election ..since when have Canadians started to bark at shadows and spit at sounds.


                    Freewheat is quiet - must be searching the depths of his imagination for that ridiculous quote he attributed to Trudeau.

                    Seems to be confused about social media versus opinion polls too. The OPINION POLLS got it spectacularly wrong in Britain's election not the SOCIAL MEDIA.


                      Remember the ndp victories in sask of recent times? Heck it seemed we thought sask party had it but election time was a different story. I predict a liberal majority. Jt is riding a wave. If there is a minority and possible ndp coalition I can't see it lasting 18 months. Liberals would need hellishly good whips to keep backbenchers from hanging Jt on a non confidence vote if he lets ndp hold them for ransom. I see it playing the same as Trudeau sr's coalition with ndp in his last term. With Harper gone CPoC rebuilds with say Peter MacKay at the helm, gets rid of bible punching social cons and rebuilds a more appealing package for mainstream voters. My 2 cents. Harper was good in my books but his tight ship tight lip and flubs cost him this.


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