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    Will Stevie leave tonight or tomorrow? Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Mulcair is history, never trusted the guy. Ritz is back ostrich critic.

    Thank goodness they got rid of the CWB when they had the chance. Enjoy your retirement. Mr Harper. Hope you live a long time and get lots of pension money.


      Good luck western Canada.


        Orange voted red. Successful tactic


          We can now move into the 21 st. century.


            Even Alberta will be represented in the new government 3 libs possible.


              So thankful for everything that was accomplished in the last 4 years. Hope Harper leaves tonight and never looks back, he gave everyone fair warning of what the other two will do under their reign. Only regret is that the CBC wasn't dealt with.

              Good riddance of Mulcair and some of the loudmouths in the NDP. They have 4 years to do some soul-searching.


                Harper was never a Conservative , he was and always will be a Reform Hack. No sense of consensus or moderation.


                  Gonzo, he is really ready.


                    AB will be well represented Every vacant senate seat will be filled with Quebec and Ontario loyal Libs, and a few Alberta liberals will fill a few seats. Pars.


                      I am going to miss Mr. Harper and his representing Canada on the world stage. A solid, steady leader, has been replaced by a dram teacher with no qualifications to run the country. Heaven help us.


                        And exactly what qualifications did Harper have when he was elected? He has made Canada a laughing stock on the world stage.


                          Canada is not and never will be a laughing stock on any goddamn stage. Our forefathers who fought for our freedom in two world wars saw to that and this Canadian is damn proud of it.


                            Agstar- why done you explain to us how Canada is a laughing stock on the world stage?

                            Quit being a dirtbag and insulting Canada just because you don't like PM Harper.


                              It was funny for many world leaders when Harper missed a photo-op because he had to go to to washroom. This happen a few years back, can't remember, but I think it was G-20 summit.


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