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    So drama teachers aren't good enough for reformers? I kind of think that was the problem there are all kinds if Canadians and all should be equal.


      So drama teachers aren't good enough for reformers? I kind of think that was the problem there are all kinds if Canadians and all should be equal.


        Finally Canada will have a leader of the whole country and not just a party.Political correction complete.


          Good morning all. Hopefully harvest is finally done for everybody on Agriville!
          The election last night has proved to me that the majority of the people in this great country of ours voted based on the "show business "model the U.S. , in that the most flambouyant candidate won the race. Seriously folks, does a drama teacher really have the qualifications to run the country? For the next four years we sure as hell are going to find out! It is also nice to see that the majority of th 19-40 crowd voted this spoiled rich kid into power , because he sounded kind of peppy on the tv , etc. ,and lets not forget he had a groovy hairdoo! We can only hope that people like Goodale , and hopefully a few others will help run the country , because this asshole don't know shit be it today , tomorrow , and four years from now. Sadly he is still a better bet than the NDP, but that isn't saying much. When our younger generation grows up a little more in four years , maybe the light will finally come on. Gee i can't wait to have a bunch more Syrian refugees let into our country also! Would everybody like to know who the visible minorities are ? The descendants of the people who settled and shaped the country into what it is. Sadly that is eroding from underneath us by the day, and we are dumb enough to let it happen.


            Harper's only job was in the mailroom
            At imperial oil.
            At least Trudeau was a teacher.

            And if 6 Deficits in a row ,an extra 150 Billion in debt and 2 recessions means you can call yourself an Economist ??
            He must have Burned all the books at the Library


              Do guns needs to be hidden away now?


                Conservatives strategy of telling under 45 year olds that "they are not ready" might now prove to be a shitty way to get votes.

                It's always arrogant/ignorant to insult the demographic that can change the vote.


                  Let 's see , Stevie insulted the under 45 crowd by calling down Trudeau. He insulted the under 55 crowd by raising the pension age. So who was left to support him?


                    Based on comparing the campaign of the Liberals vs The Cons, Trudeau and the Liberals ran a much better campaign.

                    You can't win a majority in this country relying only on a narrow swath of the mostly rural and suburban vote.

                    The large majority of voters in this country are centre left and are not hard right conservative.

                    Narrowing your base of support doesn't work. Smart politicians appeal to a much broader cross section of the electorate.

                    If the rural western, tea party reformers that rant often on this site took over they would have almost zero chance of ever forming government.

                    Harper moved to the centre just enough for one majority. But managed to piss off the majority of Canadians.


                      Don't forget how he treated our HEROS, the Veterans.

                      Harper closed 13 Veteran Affairs office's, fought over compensations they were entitled to, and had one billion unspent dollars that was budgeted to Veteran Affairs returned to the general account of the government.

                      Truly, an insult to all Veterans


                        I remember the Liberals ignored veterans and also gutted the military to the point that boy scout troops were better armed and equipped.


                          Ya, but Harper love to throw out the slogan " We support the Troops " at every possible moment. At the end the Veterans didn't support him.

                          Where did Harper dig up that idiot Julian Fantino, anyways? I bet there's lot's of Veterans happy to see he lost his seat


                            If the liberals never had the urban vote, and the silly maritimers, they would not have much. So urbanites are again running the country. Interesting that supposed farmers on this site find this refreshing.

                            I wonder if Trudeau has been on a farm before?


                              Freewheat.There is many liberal minded voters that change their vote from election to election.This time Harper never got those Liberal votes or the NDP.The Trudeau got them.And in a few years if the Conservatives gets the church out of their party. the Liberals may vote for them again.


                                The church? What the heck are you talking about? Oh, right, the liberals have the mosque in theirs. That what you mean?


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