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    The Reform Aliance old stock Canadians will never form a government in Canada and the real Conservatives know this..Next Conservative leader picked will confirm what I have just said.


      Agreed Harper blew the opportunity to show that the reform would govern for everyone. It's obvious they govern for oil everything else is irrelevant to them.

      The true conservatives are lining up to tell how they were muzzled and that they disagreed with Steve. Which is a good first step but the question to answer is how did one mAn have so much power over so many people?
      Although I salute their honesty now had they stepped forward earlier and punted Harper there linkely would be a conservative government.
      Why were they all so afraid of Harper? And if they are afraid well what about other government departments etc? I think there is going to be some very revealing truths come out about the dictatorship that Canadians have never seen before.

      I don't care if Trudeau ends up even bad this idiot had to be punted. Canada got it right.
      Ndp also need to stay burried where they belong.


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