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    The U.S. is already in-recession and they don't even know it . . . .


    Sorry my title was to be . . . .

    U.S. Railcar orders collapse to 27-year low. A sure-fired sign of a recession.

    When the Baltic Dry index collapsed that was the pre-cursor to China's fallout.


      Hopalong, does this mean we in Canada will be able to pay less to ship our grain to port? In theory it should, if we have to pay more in times of peak demand.


        Tempting to mention Goodale and end of Crow benefit but think it was overdue.
        Grain shipping rates have been regulated by governments for so long that it is hard to see that ending soon even though it might be best.
        Watch for CTA review report.


          In a true free and open market, excess capacity would result is lower costs. However in a monopolistic, non competitive environment, it often means prices rise in an attempt by the business to maintain a level of revenue and profits. So doubt very much we will see rail costs go down in Canada. Just as likely cost will rise as shareholders in rail demand higher Canadian rates to offset US losses.


            How about a north American rail index similar to the Baltic dry index.

            How about open running rights.

            Just read an article with harrison telling the new government to essentially **** off.

            Open it up to rail companies that want to do their job.


              like i said before. after Mulroney emasculated the govt. of canada in the free trade deal.
              the rail roads can pretty well tell the govt. to f off.
              your dreaming if you think joint running rights are going to happen.
              there must be some tools the federal govt. has left to reign in this monopoly.
              but i have no idea what they would be.

              i guess it just proves bill gates is
              smarter than the Can. govt. and the people of canada . he owns the majority of shares in CN
              and we don't anymore.


                sorry y i meant open running rights


                  Errol check out cats numbers. 34 consecutive months of decline with 11 being double digit. (Retail sales)


                    Cotton . . . Harley Davidson declines is another indicator. That is the middle age crisis fun money drying up . . . .


                      If Errol is right and the U.S. is in recession this will be the second under President Obama. I wonder if he will be blamed as Stephen Harper was in Canada? My guess is the left leaning pundits will ignore this fact.


                        Interest rate hike becoming less likely.

                        Pundits won't blame Obama.....maybe they'll blame Bush somehow?


                          Wow,,,,and I am not alking about the recession....


                            and what is left about obama ?


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