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From the Politically Incorrect...

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    I'm insulted you forgot to mention me, the Liberal Troll.

    If you want posters on here to stop complaining about the Harper past, why are you agreeing with Tom's post about Justin when he hasn't even been sworn in as PM. How can anybody be passing judgement when Justin hasn't even started. To me it seems you and several posters on here have already made your minds up before the get go. Come on, your always stating how negative comments are on here, but yet you agree with Tom's post.

    Stonepicker you have to be consistent, as it works both ways. Right????


      Good article.


        4 years ago all the media focused on was the "small" share of the popular vote that the Conservatives received in order to win government. This time around not a peep about the fact that the lesser of two Trudeaus has the support of well under half of Canadians.

        Western Canada needs to lube up to get ready for the next 4 or likely 8 years. The combination of a radical lefty in Queens Park and a lightweight left wing nitwit in Ottawa is deadly for the west.


          agstar77 - "We have an autocratic prime minister..." - there, fixed it for you!

          You want to condemn Harper for being autocratic when the young Trud is no less so. In fact, he has already given ample evidence that he is more so in both his words and actions.

          His words - "There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."


          His words backed by his actions:"And I answered why I was not worried that that was going to happen, because the green-light process that we have established makes it clear that all Liberal MPs, regardless of their personal views, would be expected to vote pro-choice," Trudeau said.


          And all that before he is even PM?

          The most bloody awful, revolting characteristic of the left is its sheer hypocrisy and shallowness.

          Nothing but empty criticism of Harper, not a single shred of evidence offered of how he harmed your interests.


            agstar77: "When Harper mentioned old stock Canadians he lost his last chance to govern. That was about as politically incorrect as you can get!"

            If you looked at the 1st CBC link about Trudeau's open admiration of a dictatorship, you will notice that the ones most offended by his expressed ideals(and rightly so) were "new-stock" Canadians who knew, likely from first-hand experience, what it meant to live under a dictatorship.

            The young pup has a bit to learn and it appears that before he is through, your own education will get a bit broader as well.


              Excellent posts Burnt. The left will be attacking you in 3.2.1......


                Forage, i haven't passed judgement on justin yet, i'm for any gov. that's good for canada! But by the comment's he's made over the last couple of years shouldn't a person be concerned? I'm concerned.If he listens to the veterans in his party he may do alright, if he tosses them aside and listens to the young guns then canada could be in for quite a ride. I'm willing to wait and see what happens ( no other choice anyways ) The ndp in mb. have been in power for 16 years i think, and they still blame the former filmon gov. for things. I'm tired of that sort of thing. Let's see what happens, but it doesn't mean i don't have an opinion on how it looks like things will happen.



                  Relax, you keep going at this rate you going to have a very tough 4-5 years. Your already pulling out quotes from the past. You know as well as anybody on here everyone in politics has skeletons in the CLOSET, along with quotes they wish they could take back, including Harper.


                    foragefarmer, if your post has any clear meaning, purpose or relevance to what I said, it is completely obscured.

                    Are you saying that Trudeau would refute any of the statements that he made?

                    You KNOW that he would readily affirm what he said, thus rendering your words without merit.


                      All I said is that all politician have made stupid or ill-informed comments and quotes in the past. I never stated Justin never said what you posted or that he should refute them. Plain and simple, I thought, but it's easy to see your taking this all pretty hard. Good luck!!


                        I would say taking it seriously, rather than hard. It is what it is...

                        Thank you for your good wishes; I offer you the same.


                          don't freak out Tom
                          Obama was no massive move to the left.
                          if he was there would be universal health care in the USA.
                          not even close.
                          and they are still fighting wars and sticking their noses in other folks business. keeping the military machine
                          going. ( business as usual )
                          and the banks still run the place.

                          Trudeau is not any real big change.
                          a little nicer on the outside.

                          but except for window dressing issues
                          his marching orders will come from the same place.
                          so not to worry tom ,

                          it is just like the states, here
                          the powers that be let the people think they made a change.
                          makes them feel good.
                          But in reality , meet the new boss same as the old boss.

                          if i survived 4 years of Harper majority, you can survive something slightly less fascist , for the next four.

                          you see, your not respecting the other 70% is is the main reason for the loss.
                          instead of learning from it ,
                          you live in denial , kinda like the
                          transport mess



                            The Tides foundation and Obama crew did the heavy lifting for Justin. Conservative Majority was in the works Monday Oct 19. 3 phone calls to Libs telling them this... and 3 Phone calls Monday to ND and ON supporters in QUE and ON... telling them to vote lib of die under Harper Majority.

                            AS stated... Justin's majority of popular vote... is less in 2015... than PM Harper in 2011. Libs got the hard Left and Left to come out to vote... and Mulcair got talked into a seduced disasterous deception... and the killer deal... we have one of the most divisive unbalanced parliaments in Canadian History. Western Canadian Prairies are as blue as ever. Swing seat targeting... and really smart politics got the Libs a majority. The Conservative war room... is in shell shocked disbelief... CHECK MATE.

                            Some of us told them (the conservative election machine) this was how the election would be fought and won... like a dear in the head lights... SMACK... the BIG red US tech based Obama machine... rolled right over the Conservatives... with hardly a whisper said about how it was done. It is 'folk lore' now.


                              Tom ,

                              you just said the Obama political machine was the reason the liberals got elected in Canada.

                              O K

                              you could be right Tom , I can see it now. those evil bastards.

                              i agree , there could be no other possible reason.

                              I think that subject deserves a complete new thread.
                              you could lay it out for all to see.
                              it will never be seen down here
                              on the end of this thread.
                              and folks need to know how it happened.

                              the inside story's from the Conservative war rooms.
                              people really need to know this stuff,
                              how they stole power.


                                Tom too much pot can make you Paranoid.
                                You'd better put the bowl down for awhile


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